To what does the left ear itches?

To the signs people are treated differently. Someone says that this is a fantasy and there is no point in this, and others assure that superstitions are the knowledge of ancestors, who, on the contrary, have been confirming their strength for dozens of years. In general, everyone has the right to their opinion, but the information about the signs of explaining why the left ear is itching will be, at least, interesting.

To begin with, I would like to say that if the itching does not go on for a long time, it is worthwhile to see a doctor, as the cause may be the development of some disease. Often this is a consequence of the presence of a large amount of sulfur or it may be a sign of otitis.

To what does the left ear itches?

Most often such a sign means that a serious quarrel will soon arise, and the fault will be exclusively yours. And to avoid this will not work. There are several different interpretations of this superstition:

  1. Itching in the left ear can be a harbinger of bad news, which will be more or less related to both the personal and the workplace. Another clarification - superstition can affect not only you, but also close relatives.
  2. A sign, if it itches inside the ear, is a warning that in the future you will have to hear condemnation in your direction. It is important that unfamiliar words will be told by strangers.
  3. According to another common opinion, the sign that it itches in the left ear warns about the risk of becoming a victim of gossip and intrigue. It is recommended to take a closer look at the people around you.
  4. There is also information that the sign, when it itches the lobe of the left ear, means that in the near future someone from friends is expected to replenish in the family.
  5. Among the people, it is also widely believed that the left ear feels a fight. Serious mutilation can be avoided, but there will still be a major scandal.
  6. In ancient times, people used a sign that the earlobe was being scratched to determine the weather change. Most often the itch foreshadowed the approach of storm rains. If the ear is itchy in a person born in the spring or summer, then an increase in temperature is expected. Itching arose in people born in the cold season, so it will soon turn cold.

There is also a explaining explanation, not why the ear is scratched inside, and why they seem to burn. In this case, this means that at the moment someone is talking about you, and this can be either a close or an outsider. If the left ear is burning, it means that they are telling a lie, in order to expose it in an unattractive light.

Other signs associated with the ears

Many people are faced with the fact that they hear a ringing in their ears. Our ancestors believed that at this time the angels tell God, about the sin committed. It is necessary to make a wish and ask another person to guess which ear is ringing. If the answer is correct and the sound goes away, then the enigma will certainly come true. In ancient times, people also used a sign about ringing in the ears to determine the weather. If this happened in winter, then wait for warming, and if in summer, the weather will worsen.

About a person you can learn a lot by the shape of your ears:

  1. If they are large, then their owner can achieve a great deal in life.
  2. Ears of small size indicate a person's limitations.
  3. Pointed form indicates the presence of aggression and stubbornness.
  4. Long lobe tells about wisdom and spirituality.
  5. If the lobe is bent, then its owner is lucky in life.
  6. Owners of ears, where the upper part is above the eyebrow level, are intellectuals.
  7. If the upper part does not reach the level of the eye, then the person is mediocre.