Zucchini sauce

From zucchini you can cook a variety of delicious dishes: stew, fritters, pie, cake, a variety of preserves and even squash.

Sauce from zucchini and tomatoes to pasta for the winter



Prepared (washed) young zucchini, ripe fleshy tomatoes and juicy onions are crushed into cubes. We put a large, deep saucepan on the included plate, pour the necessary amount of oil and when it boils, we spread a ray of it along with zucchini. Seeing that the vegetables have become soft and transparent we add our crushed tomatoes to them, which are immediately sprinkled with the kitchen salt, and to neutralize their acid we introduce sugar. Next we introduce fragrant black pepper, ground coriander, mix and, reducing the flame of fire to a minimum, stew the vegetable mass for 35 minutes. Remove the saucepan from the fire, immerse the blender into it, turn it on medium speed and then grind all vegetables to the air purée state. We send everything again to the hotplate of the plate, and when the sauce starts to boil, we set it aside and immediately spread it over the jars, fried in the oven. We cork this wonderful zucchini sauce for the winter.

Sauce from courgettes and potatoes



Zucchini along with peeled tubers of potatoes cut into the same centimeter cubes. Peeled bulbs as small as possible with a sharp knife. In a large saucepan of stainless steel we heat up sunflower (refined) oil, after which we put all the vegetable marrows in it. Fry them until soft, and after adding potatoes to them, follow the onions and fill in all the tomato juice prepared beforehand. We introduce into the mass of vegetables kitchen salt, sprinkled with a mixture of various peppers and, reducing the fire to a minimum, simmer the incomparable sauce for 35-40 minutes. Then evenly distribute it on glass containers, sterilized over the steam, cover them with boiled iron lids and roll them up to the stop.