Treatment of depression at home

We use the term "depression" so often in our speech that it seems as if, at the slightest sign of a "shaky ground underfoot," we immediately fall into a depressed state. People very often confuse the notion of depression, bad mood and stress. Bad mood - it's come and gone, the reason that caused the mood decline was eliminated and now you're drunk again. And depression is precisely characterized by the fact that there is no obvious reason, or it has long been eliminated, and a peculiar picture of feelings has remained.


About the early stage of depression, absent-mindedness and "Napoleonic plans" can speak: a person constantly throws from one grandiose matter to another, for a day interest in his goal disappears, and the slightest reminder of her leads the patient into irritation.

People who are steeped in depression are characterized by shocking antics, a person, therefore, calls for help and shows how strong his pain is.

During the depression, people lose interest in hobbies and hobbies, which were engaged in the years. In his work, the patient makes mistakes and can not concentrate.

If you or your relatives have signs of depression, remember, treatment at home is possible, but only in the early stages. Further - without qualified psychological help can not do.


Let's start with traditional medicine, because it is better to cope with the problem with the most gentle means.

It is possible to write down whole Talmuds about the treatment of depression with herbs. We will begin our modest list with baths for relaxation: 2 tablespoons. leaves and poplar buds pour 250 ml of boiling water, we insist 30 minutes and pour into the bath (for one bath we need 2 liters of broth).

There are also, so-called, gastronomic ways of treating depression. That is, it is necessary to consume foods that contribute to the production of hormones of happiness. Among them, in bold type, bananas, carrot juice and black chocolate should be distinguished.

Your prescription for an antidepressant for 1 day:

In the treatment of anxious depression, a more powerful remedy will help:

All these ingredients are mixed and passed through a meat grinder (lemon along with zest). Add honey to the mixture and store in the refrigerator. It is recommended to remove the spleen, before its onset, to take a spoonful of this curative (believe, effective!) Remedy before breakfast every day.


If we talk about the treatment of depression, for some reason antidepressants come to mind, but not bananas and dried fruits. There is nothing indecent in taking antidepressants, and they work precisely on the principle of all medications - if the benefits they bring to the patient exceed the harm, then it must be taken. Think for yourself, which is better: to suffer from headaches, insomnia, rapid heartbeats, obsessions and other things, or drink an antidepressant and finally get enough sleep?

It is true, from their reception there may be consequences. First of all - psychological dependence, when in which case, you immediately run for the tablet. But that's why antidepressants should be prescribed by a doctor who will assess your predisposition to psychological dependencies, and sales should be carried out exclusively by prescription.

Remember, depression is not forever! Only you can change your life or change your attitude to life. If something does not suit you and causes depression, then you have the strength not only to self-flagellation, but also to overcome obstacles.