How long does it take to eat after exercise?

With intensive and regular exercise, to maximize the effect of training and healthy digestion, attention should be paid to diet. Most people are concerned about the composition of their diet, but sometimes forget that the time of eating is also of great importance.

In the proper mode of nutrition, the type of sporting activities is not so important, as is the drinking and food regime. After how long can you eat after training and how to make a menu correctly? Let's turn to the recommendations of nutritionists and sports nutrition specialists who give clear recommendations how much you can not eat after a workout to lose weight.

When and what to eat after a workout to lose weight?

If the goal of playing sports is intensive weight loss, then a positive and effective result can be achieved by following such rules:

  1. Take food up to 2-2.5 hours before and after your workout.
  2. Before exercise, it is better to eat protein foods with a small addition of vegetables. For example, you can eat eggs, lean meat, cottage cheese, cheese.
  3. During training, you must observe the drinking regimen to avoid dehydration of tissues from profuse sweating.
  4. After exercise, the diet should contain vitamins and complex carbohydrates to restore strength. Suitable cereals from whole-grain cereals, a variety of berries, fruits and vegetables.

Of course, there are nuances of nutrition, relating to certain sports activities. And the question of how much you can not eat after weight training, in order to lose weight and pump up muscles at the same time, the answer is completely different.

If weight loss is combined with the structuring of the body, that is, a set of muscle mass, then the food should be predominantly proteinaceous. Proteins are the building blocks of muscle. With strength training and active occupations in the gym, the diet is somewhat different. The maximum effect can be achieved if you drink protein cocktails after training after half an hour after training. Thus, it is possible to achieve an increase in muscle mass. With any kind of training - before classes you can not eat fatty foods, and after that you should not eat light carbohydrates , that is, any kinds of sweets, buns and desserts.