Polyvalent pyobacteriophage

Polyvalent pyobacteriophage is a drug that can fight certain types of microorganisms. Often this medicine is called the Sextapage. It is prescribed for the treatment of diseases caused by staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci and other bacteria. The agent is a solution for topical administration and oral administration.

Indications of the purified liquid polyvalent pyobacteriophage

One of the important conditions for successful therapy with the use of a liquid polyvalent pyobacteriophage is the precise determination of the pathogen. In this case, the treatment will pass as quickly as possible and will be effective. In addition, it is important not to exceed the required amount of the drug.

The use and dosage of polyvalent pyobacteriophage

The drug is prescribed depending on the nature of the infection: in the form of a solution for rinsing and irrigation, for insertion directly into the wound and the cavity of abscesses, middle ear, nose and sinuses. In addition, the drug is taken through the mouth or a high enema.

The duration of the course can be from five to fifteen days. The amount of the drug is prescribed individually, depending on the area of ​​the lesion and the nature of the disease.

To treat cholecystitis and purulent-septic diseases, 5 to 20 ml is used three times a day for two weeks. With constant vomiting, an enema of 5 ml per day is additionally prescribed.

Locally, the medicine is shown in the form of lotions and tamponings. The amount is determined by starting from the affected area.

For the treatment of abscesses, the piobacteriophage is introduced into the cavity, which is released from the pus. Its amount should be slightly smaller than the initially removed liquid.

In proctology is used as a means to prepare for surgery. Established drip enema from 100 to 200 ml.

For oral administration piobacteriophage polyvalent is prescribed, as a solution - half a teaspoon per 150 ml of water.

With local use. If antiseptics on a chemical basis were used to clean the wound, the affected area should first be washed with a solution of sodium chloride.

Allergy to polyvalent pyobacteriophage

As such, allergic reactions do not cause the drug. Sometimes there are situations when there is a rash, but this is not due to the reaction to the components of the drug, but rather to its effect. The tool itself is a collection of viruses that act on certain types of bacteria. After their death, the body begins in a special way function. Usually such reactions are already at the end of the course, the duration of which does not exceed two weeks.

Side effects of purified polyvalent pyobacteriophage and Sextapage

During the study of the drug, scientists were unable to detect any side effects and contraindications. The only thing that can become an obstacle in its use is the individual intolerance of individual components.