Allergy to tomatoes - symptoms

About 20% of the population suffers from food allergy, in which there is an increased sensitivity of the body to certain products or their components. In this case, more often this pathology is observed in people who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and bile excretion system, as well as those whose immediate relatives have any allergic diseases.

To cause an increased reaction of the body's immune system with damage to one's own tissues, which is an allergic reaction, there can be absolutely different foods. And it develops regardless of the amount of allergen used, in contrast to food intolerance. Isolate a number of foods that have pronounced allergic properties, which include some vegetables. Consider whether tomatoes can cause allergy.

Whether there is an allergy on tomatoes?

Tomatoes contain valuable minerals, vitamins, organic acids, fiber, pectic substances, etc. Despite the benefits caused by such a composition, these vegetables can cause allergic reactions. As studies have shown, the allergy can be associated with one of the proteins contained in tomatoes, (most often with profilin), as well as the pigment lycopene, which causes the red color of the vegetable.

In connection with the above, the following questions arise: can there be an allergy to yellow or green tomatoes, as well as tomatoes that have been subjected to heat treatment? It is believed that processed tomatoes (stewed, tomato juice, sauce) contain less allergens, as well as tomatoes of non-red varieties. But it is also necessary to know that an allergic reaction can occur not on the components of tomatoes, but on various chemical additives that producers or sellers introduce into vegetables and dishes from them (dyes, preservatives, food additives).

How does the allergy to tomatoes appear and look?

Symptoms of allergy to tomatoes can appear as a few minutes after eating these vegetables, and after a few hours and even a day. The onset, severity and duration of allergic manifestations are also different. As you know, the response of the body leads to the release of histamine, which provokes the appearance of various clinical symptoms.

Symptoms of allergy to tomatoes are divided into several groups:

1. Gastrointestinal manifestations:

2. Skin symptoms:

Eruptions often appear on the face, folds of hands or feet, on the abdomen, sometimes can occur on the genitals.

3. Manifestations from the respiratory system:

4. Signs from the nervous and cardiovascular systems:

Which of the listed manifestations will appear, depends on the individual characteristics of the human body and the functioning of the immune system. In severe cases, Quincke's edema may occur, in which there is marked swelling of the skin, mucous and subcutaneous tissue, more often localized on the face. The danger of this condition lies in the possibility of spreading the edema on the larynx, which will become an obstacle to the intake of oxygen in the body. An even more severe condition, but rare enough as a result of eating tomatoes, is anaphylactic shock , which can quickly lead to death.