Trimmer for intimate haircut

Removal of unwanted hair on the body - one of the "three whales" of female beauty. In an unequal struggle with constantly renewing vegetation, more and more new methods are proceeding-miracle machines with an unimaginable number of blades, each of which "shaves even cleaner", waxes, caramels, epilators, and so on.

And if we learned to fight more or less successfully with hair on our legs and under the armpits, then the issue of epilation of the bikini zone for many remains open. And this is not surprising, because each of the above methods with respect to the delicate intimate zone has its disadvantages, the main ones of which are the soreness of the procedure itself, as well as the subsequent irritation and ingrowth of the hair. Yes, and make an intimate hairstyle without special skills is difficult, and turn to a specialized salon not every lady has time, and desire - from natural modesty or for some other subjective reasons.

An excellent way for those who want to indulge in the beauty of "there" on their own is to purchase a trimmer for intimate haircuts. This little device will help solve all the main problems associated with creating and maintaining aesthetic appearance of the delicate bikini zone. But since for many this device is fundamentally new and unfamiliar, we will begin, as they say, "from the stove."

What is a trim for a bikini zone?

A female trimmer for a bikini zone is a small cute appliance that looks like something in between a clipper and a depilator . But you should not confuse it with the latter, because their difference is fundamental: the hair shaft epilator pulls out, and the trimmer - just shears.

When using a trimmer for cutting intimate places, a number of undeniable advantages are found, among which:

Which trimmer for a bikini is better?

When buying a trimmer for cutting intimate places, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

1. Width of the ringing part. There are two types of trimmer models - with a wide and narrow ringing attachment. The wider it is, the larger the area processed by the device in one approach. Devices with wide cutting surfaces are suitable for those who value their time, but to create an intricate haircut with their help is much more difficult than with trimmers that have a narrow nozzle.

2. Completion . As a rule, the bundle must include:

Well, if the kit also has a special brush that facilitates the process of cleaning the device after use, as well as a cover, since this thing is quite intimate and must be kept clean. An interesting "bonus" can be and form-applications, which can be used to create complex curly intimate haircuts.

3. Moisture resistance . Before using the trimmer for the bikini area in the shower, make sure that your model is not afraid of moisture. Ask such an opportunity when buying, however, note that trimmers with water protection are significantly more expensive than conventional models.

4. Additional features . The ability to adjust the length of the cord and work from the batteries.