Cookie dough

Cookies are different from the liver, and anyone knows about it, even a beginner. The finished product determines the composition and consistency of the dough, as well as the time and temperature of the baking. We will share with you several recipes that are different in their composition, and you choose for yourself the most suitable.

Shortcake - recipe for cookies



Mix the sifted flour with the sugar powder and vanilla sugar in a bowl. Add egg yolks and softened butter to the dry ingredients. We grind everything to uniformity and form the flour crumb into a single coma. We wrap the dough with food film and leave it in the fridge for 1 hour.

Heat the oven to 180 ° C, roll the dough to a thickness of 2 mm, cut and bake for 10 minutes.

Dough for pastry in sour cream



We sift the flour and grind it into a crumb with cold butter. Eggs beat up with sugar, white, add sour cream and whisk again until smooth. Add the egg-sour mixture of flour and crushed with lemon juice or vinegar soda. Mix the smooth dough and bake the cookies in the molds over low heat.

Curd dough for biscuits



Mix the sifted flour with baking powder and salt. Separately, beat the soft butter with white sugar, about 3 minutes, then start gradually to drive in 1 egg at a time, until complete mixing and add the cottage cheese. Complement the dough with lemon juice and zest for taste. Cookies from the curd pastry are baked for 15-20 minutes at 180 ° C.

Dough for beer for biscuits



Beer is poured into the saucepan and placed on the slowest fire. After 30-50 minutes of boiling, the contents of the saucepan should be about 2 tablespoons.

Mix soda with sifted flour and salt. Oil whisked with sugar and coffee in a separate bowl until the air mass. We drive eggs to the oil mixture, and when the eggs are completely mixed, start gradually pouring the flour. Add the chocolate chips (if desired).

Bake the biscuits at 180 ° C for 6-8 minutes.

How to make a chocolate dough for a biscuit?



Cut the butter and black chocolate into a water bath and melt it homogeneously. Let the mixture cool down for 10 minutes. In the meantime, beat the eggs with sugar until smooth, add warm chocolate, vanilla and sifted flour to the egg mixture. Supplement the dough with chopped nuts and chocolate slices. The cookie from such a dough is baked on a parchment covered with a baking sheet for 10 minutes in a preheated oven to 180 ° C.

Diluting dough for such delicacies can be various additives: dried fruits, different kinds of chocolate and sweets, aromatic spices. Bon Appetit!