Exercises for burning fat on the stomach

"Lifebuoy" - this is how people call extra fat in the abdomen, which spoils the figure of many women. Volumes in this area are extremely reluctant, so it is important to eat properly and regularly perform effective exercises for burning fat on the stomach.

There are several basic rules for successful training, which are certainly worth considering. It is important to practice regularly and best three times a week, a lot of training is undesirable, because the muscles need to rest. Exercises for rapid fat burning should be performed correctly and at the fastest possible rate. Repeat them should be in 3-4 approaches, doing 15-25 repetitions. Note that you can not lose weight in one place, because the weight goes away evenly from the whole body, so turn on the exercises for the abdomen in the overall workout.

Complex exercises for burning fat

  1. Plank with a turn . Take the emphasis lying, as for push-ups , putting your foot slightly wider than your shoulders. Moving the weight of the body to the left side, lift the opposite arm upward, while simultaneously turning the body into the right side. Lock the position and repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  2. Lateral twisting . Sit on the floor and pick up a ball or any other object. Lift and cross your legs, bent at the knees, and hold them on the weight, and the body slightly tilt back to maintain balance. As a result, the body must form the letter "V". Carry out turns of the body either one way or the other. It is important not to lower your legs, so as not to bring down the load.
  3. Running in the horizontal plane . This aerobic exercise for fat burning is simple and effective at the same time and it is necessary to take an emphasis lying down, as for the bar, to carry it out. Keep your neck straight, looking at the floor. Be sure to keep your back flat, and your stomach - retracted. Alternately, bend the knee and lift it as close to the body as possible. Keep your knee straight ahead. Do the exercise at the fastest possible pace. Remember that you can not hold your breath.
  4. The fold . This exercise for burning fat on the stomach involves both the lower and upper press. Sit on your back and stretch your arms up. To remove the deflection in the lower back, press the spine to the floor. For convenience, you can slightly bend your knees. Exhaling, lift your legs up and at the same time perform twisting, trying to reach your feet with your hands. Fix the position for a couple of seconds, and then, breathing in, drop to the starting position. Try not to lower your legs and hands on the floor to hold the load.