Flower "bride and groom"

Not all growers know that under the unusual name of the flower of the room, "the bride and groom" means the ordinary bell of the equal-sized Campanula or bell of Maya. This room flowers are 20-30 cm tall with light green leaves, located on thin creeping or downward sprouting shoots, abundantly blossoming from June to October with bells-flowers up to 4 cm in diameter. Distinguish where the "bride and groom" is only in color: white with the bride (this is the grade "Alba"), and gentle blue with the groom (this is the "Maya" variety).

There is a sign that if you give two flowers to the wedding (both the groom and the bride), they will help the newlyweds to create a strong family, which will never leave love and happiness.

Flower "groom and bride": care

It is believed that in order for these house flowers to grow well, they should be grown together: both the groom and the bride.

To the bells of the Maya pleased you with a stormy and long flowering, they should be properly taken care of.

  1. Location . These room flowers can be placed on either side of the apartment, like diffuse dim lighting. Since these are ampel plants, they should be placed in a pot or on a stand so that the stems can safely hang down.
  2. Watering . Both varieties of flowers need daily abundant watering, and in summer - even 2-3 times a day.
  3. Top dressing . In the period of growth and flowering, it is recommended to feed 1 time per 10 days, using liquid fertilizers for this purpose. You can take the same preparations as for violets (Etisso and Kemira-Lux), or any complex fertilizer for indoor plants.
  4. Pruning . Regularly, it is necessary to trim grown whips, remove dried leaves and flowers. After the end of the period of flowering of the bells, the upper shoots can be almost completely cut off, and the lower leaves left 10 cm long to prepare the flower for winter rest.
  5. Wintering . From late October to early December, there is a period of rest. Resting the flower "bride and groom" should be in a light and dry place, in a room where the air temperature does not exceed + 15 ° С. Watering for this period is reduced (2 times a month), without the use of fertilizers.
  6. Transplantation . In the second half of March the flower can be transplanted. For this purpose, it is perfectly suitable to prepare a ready-mixed soil mixture for transplanting azaleas.

Some gardeners consider flowers of the Alba variety to be less whimsical than those of the Maya variety.

Flower "bride and groom": reproduction

Reproduction of the flower "the bride and groom" is engaged in the spring, after a period of rest, using for this purpose young shoots, apical cuttings after trimming or dividing a whole bush.

Reproduction by young shoots:

  1. When the young shoots appeared in spring reach a length of 10-20 cm, they should be carefully torn off "with a heel."
  2. Put them in water or disembark in the earth mixture.
  3. Pour the solution of phytosporin and place in a greenhouse, which should be put in a cool place (+ 12 ° C). The greenhouse needs to be ventilated daily.
  4. After three or four weeks, rooted shoots put on a sunny window sill.
  5. After reaching shoots of 10-12cm, it is necessary to pinch their tops.

Reproduction by cuttings:

  1. After the pruning in the beginning of spring, the resulting cuttings are planted in a sand-peat mixture (1: 1).
  2. We expose the pot with cuttings on the windowsill, but shading from direct sunlight, instead of watering we use spraying with water.
  3. When rooting the cuttings, we pinch the top.

Multiplication by bush division:

  1. Gently remove the flower with an earthen lump from the pot.
  2. We divide it into parts, cutting the roots with the ground with a knife. We process the sections of the sections with charcoal.
  3. Immediately planted in pots with nutrient soil, not strongly burying.
  4. We put the pot on a sunny, well-ventilated place.

It is not recommended to divide the bush into very small parts.

Non-observance of irrigation or the cultivation of a flower in a place that is too dry can lead to the appearance of a mite and aphids on it .

Plant flowers better than the different varieties individually, since in the case of planting them in one pot white flowers can displace the blue.