Types of parrots

How many species of parrots do you have in the world? The answer to this question may strike you: on the Earth live more than three hundred species of these birds! And they all differ from each other. Before you start a feathered pet, you need to find out what kinds of parrots are encountered and how to care for them.

What are the types of parrots?

Let's look at some of the most popular species of parrots.

Wavy parrots occupy a special place among all birds. This charming little parrot often becomes a true favorite of the whole family. Undemanding in grooming, the wavy parrot perfectly feels at home. It is easy to tame and teach various sounds and even words. Because the bird is small, then its content does not need a large cage. Depending on the coloring of the plumage, there are many species of wavy parrots: green, blue, purple, blue, yellow, etc. Their lifetimes can reach 15 years.

Large parrots of a macaw with bright motley plumage - the exact opposite of wavy. To keep them you need a lot of space and a spacious cage, and locked up ara can not be kept for days on end. These birds are very noisy, so do not choose them if you want silence. A macaw parrot can bite, so remember this if there are small children in the house. But these birds can live up to 50-60 years.

Another species of large parrots is the Amazons . They are easy to train, they repeat sounds and words, and males are more talkative. However, these birds are rather vociferous and noisy. In addition, they often attach only to one member of the family, and others can bite.

Parrots are inseparable to each other, for which they received their name. These little funny birds with bright plumage do not make much noise and quickly get used to people. But keep in one cage inseparable and wavy parrots should not, because they will bite. Learners are almost indestructible. These birds live up to 20 years.

Weight of another type of talking parrots - gray African Jaco - can reach 600 grams. They are very clever birds. They like to communicate with a person, and the vocabulary of some individuals is amazing! Jaco does not tolerate loneliness, so do not leave him for a whole day alone in a cage. This parrot can live up to 80 years.

Corella or nymph is the average species of parrots and the second most popular in the world. A bird with a bright yellow chub is not peaceful and noiseless, it can be kept together with wavy parrots. Corella easily adapts to home conditions, it can be taught to speak.

Another kind of average parrots is Loriket . An active and interesting bird. It feeds not on seeds, like other species, but on nectar and pollen. Lorettes are very friendly and quickly get used to people. Not noisy and quickly learn to repeat sounds and words. They can live up to 20 years.

The feathering of beautiful cheerful parrots of Amadin has more than five different shades. Birds are better kept in pairs. They are unpretentious and quickly get used to the living conditions in the apartment. With proper feeding and care can live up to 10 years.

Parrot Rosella is very beautiful due to its bright mottled plumage. This good-natured bird easily adapts to the content in captivity. She can become a real family member. Rosella is unpretentious, but you can not teach her how to speak. But this parrot is perfectly repeating various musical motifs, and her voice is very pleasant.

Cockatoo parrots are often of two types: white and black. The crested bird can be noisy, it does not speak very well, and its voice is unpleasant and more like a creak. But the cockatoo likes to dance and has a great sense of rhythm.