How many lives does a Syrian hamster have?

Many of us keep hamsters . These fluffy animals are very cute and cute. But before you start them at home, be sure to find out about the peculiarities of caring for them, for this will determine the quality of life of these animals. It will not be superfluous to find out also how much average hamsters live.

In this article, we will talk about Syrian hamsters. The animals of this breed are very different from the popular Jungar and dwarf hamsters by their size, because they look more like another kind of rodent - guinea pigs. Syrian hamsters are unpretentious in food and not too painful. And if the owners competently approach the content of the animal in the cage, the hamsters, as a rule, live happily ever after.

How many years live the Syrian hamsters?

At the will of hamsters of this breed live an average of 1.5 years. They suffer from hypothermia, are subjected to frequent attacks of predators, and suffer from hunger.

At home, more comfortable, the Syrian hamster lives about 2.5-3 years. By human standards this is very small, but for small rodents it is quite normal. At the same time, such unique cases are known, when a Syrian hamster lived for 7 years, becoming a kind of long-liver. But you should not rely on it, it is unlikely that you will be able to acquire such an original hamster in an ordinary pet shop, so it is better to prepare yourself immediately for the fact that it will live with you exactly as much as it is measured by nature.

How to provide a hamster a long life?

The life span of your pet depends very much on the conditions of its maintenance. If it is bad to take care of a hamster, then chances are that he will die from the disease much earlier than in 2-3 years. To avoid the tragedy (especially if you buy a pet for your child), try to think through all the nuances and organize the life of the animal by all rules.

A cage for a hamster - whether it's Syrian or other breed - should be quite spacious. It must be cleaned in time. Feed your pet only quality food, while the diet should be balanced and constant throughout the year. Do not overfeed the animal.

Since Syrian hamsters are quite active, a cage must necessarily be in the cage so that the pet can run, a tunnel or other accessory toy. It will not be superfluous to buy a house where your hamster can retire and sleep.