Can I recover from a watermelon?

Watermelon is the biggest berry that exists in nature. Combining the most important vitamins, minerals and amino acids, watermelon has a significant benefit to human health. This berry clears the body of toxins, harmful salts, toxins, restores metabolism, is an excellent diuretic, cleanses the kidneys, removing sand and small stones from them. And, of course, many lovers of this juicy delicacy are interested in whether you can recover from a watermelon.

Composition and calorie content

This sweet berry is a low-calorie product, 90% water-based. In 100 grams of pulp of watermelon only 37 kcal, it is able to break down fats, establish metabolic processes, cleanse the body of toxins, heavy metals and salts, so this fruit is ideal for eating with a diet.

With such a low calorie, watermelon boasts a whole "bouquet" of basic nutrients:

In 100 g of watermelon:

Eating this berries improves blood composition and vascular tone, helps with the treatment of gastritis, stomach ulcers, gout, atherosclerosis, anemia, rheumatism, obesity , various diseases of the liver, kidneys and heart. Using a watermelon in your diet, you also reduce cholesterol and strengthen your eyesight.

Are they getting better from watermelon?

Watermelon mainly consists of water, so it does not contribute to the accumulation and deposition of fat, and can only lead to the appearance of edema and an overabundance of fluid in the body. However, you can recover from watermelon if:

  1. Snack this juicy treat with bread or sweet rolls. Very many like this combination, but in this case, the gain in weight is guaranteed, and not from watermelon, but from flour products, which, as everyone knows, are very caloric. By the way, bodybuilders gain and maintain their weight, using just a watermelon in a snack with a loaf or other flour product.
  2. Do not eat berries with pickles. Many gourmets love watermelon, seasoned with salt, but this can lead to the formation of strong edema, which can result in excess weight.
  3. Succumb to the feeling of hunger. After you have regaled this huge berry, you can overcome the feeling of hunger, so you need to try to restrain yourself from excessive consumption of food.
  4. There is a watermelon in unlimited quantities. It would seem that this fruit contains almost the same water, how then can you recover from this? On 100 grams - 37 calories, in principle a small figure, but on average the watermelon weighs 5-6 kilograms, and to eat this berry in one trick is not so difficult, and this is almost a daily calorie rate . In addition to this fetus, we also eat other food for a day, which means that we exceed the permissible calorie intake, from which extra kilograms are taken.

That's how they get better from watermelon, and that the use of this sweet and juicy fruit did not lead to excess weight you need:

  1. Try to eat a watermelon between the main meals, because if you do not mix it with other foods, it is better absorbed by our body and brings only one benefit.
  2. To arrange a diet on the basis of this berry. That from consumption of a water-melon was also visible result, it is necessary to use it in unloading days and at a mono-diet. Watermelon is an excellent diuretic, helps to cleanse the body of toxins, and this, as is known, leads to rapid weight loss.