Gelatine mask from black dots

Practical every woman at least once in my life came across the problem of the appearance of black dots on the face. Currently, there is a huge amount of facial care products with different textures and properties, and you can also do various cosmetic procedures aimed at skin rejuvenation and getting rid of problems on it.

Black dots

First you need to understand what black dots are. As you know, there are sebaceous glands in the skin, one of the main tasks of which is the regulation of sweating. Such factors as dirty air, dust, various stresses, non-compliance with hygiene lead to clogging of the pores, as a result of which they become black.

If the points that appear do not give you rest unattractive, and you are worried that their occurrence may be the cause of some disease, you can, of course, contact your doctor, and he will most likely say that you have obvious problems with the intestine or endocrine system. But, as a rule, black dots appear in people who have oily skin. Many women struggle with this problem, using scrubs, lotions, special strips. Equally effective is a gelatin mask from black dots.

Gelatine mask

Gelatin is an extract of proteins that act as a building material for the cells of our skin. It is obtained from animal collagen, so the mask from the black dots containing gelatin is involved not only in cleaning the pores, but also helps the skin look taut and stay as long as possible young.

Gelatine mask against black dots is prepared quite easily. To prepare it you will need:

Coal grind into powder, add to gelatin, pour cold milk, mix well, place in microwave for about 15 seconds and cool a little. Now, on a well-cleaned and steamed skin, we apply the mixture, first we drive into the pores, and after a thin layer on the entire face and leave for 15 minutes. When the mask is completely dry, carefully and slowly remove the film from the face. In order for this effective mask from the black points to penetrate deeper into the skin, you do not just need to apply it with your fingers, but rub it with a hard brush to lubricate the face.

Home masks from black dots with gelatin

Also, the skin mask from black dots with gelatin and freshly squeezed fruit and vegetable juices will help to quickly clean the skin and give it a healthy look.

In half a glass of any fresh juice (apple, peach, orange, tomato and many others), you need to add one bag of gelatin. They are mixed in a ceramic or glass container, heated in a water bath, until gelatin is not completely dissolved. This mixture is put in a refrigerator for 25 minutes, after which it can be applied to the face as a mask. This effective mask from black dots in 25-30 minutes forms on the face a film.

Gelatin mask from black dots can be made on the basis of egg white. To prepare it, you will need:

In a water bath, milk and gelatin are heated until completely dissolved, and then cooled and injected with egg white. The mask is applied for half an hour. Together with this film, not only black dots are removed, but also the skin of the face becomes moistened and tender.

Gelatin in the composition of any mask allows you to narrow the pores, which provides a lasting effect: black dots will not bother you for several more weeks.