Birthmark on the face

Birthmark on the face - this is a clearly limited, altered area of ​​the skin, which differs from nearby tissues in color and texture. Its color can be of various shades: from dark brown to light pink. Small and large birthmarks on the face can be congenital, and can appear throughout life.

Types of birthmarks on the face

There are several types of birthmarks:

How to remove the birthmark?

A lot of people are interested in doctors how to remove the birthmark from the face, because they look aesthetically very unattractive. But, in addition, nevi also pose a serious danger to health, because they can "degenerate" into a malignant neoplasm.

To get rid of the birthmark on your face, you can use methods such as:

  1. Laser surgery is a painless, bloodless and fast method, with which you can remove capillary hemangiomas and small spots of pigmentation. But at the same time there can be relapses, although they will be much lighter, so not so noticeable on the skin.
  2. Excision with a scalpel - operation is a little time and is spent under anesthesia. Removed from the face, not only nevus, but also some of the healthy skin. This method should be used only if there are signs of a degeneration of the formation, since a scar may remain after the operation.