Unhappy love

Unhappy love is a guest of every human heart, able to love, in principle. And although she inspired people for great works of art, immortal deeds, etc., for hundreds of years, meeting with unrequited love, feeling pain and bitterness, sooner or later we come to the question - how can this unhappy love survive, forget, get rid of, pull out of hearts forever.

Before asking this question, answer yourself to another, only honestly - but do you really want to suffer more from unhappy love, as already accustomed. It sounds rather strange, but most psychologists note a certain amount of masochism in the experiences of unhappy and unrequited love. Firstly, we are used to the status of pity: both from others and to ourselves. The problem of unhappy love is that a person becomes dependent on her. And, moreover, suffering is necessary to him, as a dose of a special drug. So, for example, the first love, which, as a rule, happens unhappy (or unrequited), is remembered to us for a long time because of the invested emotions. Surely you added oil to the fire, intensifying the sensations of suffering with the appropriate songs, thoughts, and purposely bringing yourself to tears. Familiar? So, suffering - is this love?

About that, what love is, arguing and reflecting philosophers, poets and psychologists for more than one century. Most agree that true love should bring joy and a sense of self-sufficiency. If the feeling develops into dependence, pushing on humiliation and masochism, then it contradicts the very nature of love - to create. You lose your life, your opportunities, your right to happiness. And if you want to change the situation, then this is the first right step in a series of suffering.

So, what to do if you want unhappy love to remain in the past.

How to get rid of unhappy love?

Discover a world of hobbies, interesting books, foreign languages, dances, travel - what brings you joy, not suffering.

And, most importantly, be open to the world. Otherwise, you risk not noticing who is worthy to occupy the main place in your life!