Vaginal candidiasis - causes and treatment of thrush in women

Vaginal candidiasis is known to all women. Representatives of the fair sex are often referred to as "thrush" because of characteristic secretions. The reasons for the development of candidiasis in most cases are due to a change in the hormonal background.

What is vaginal candidiasis?

This disease has a fungal nature. Thrush , or vaginal candidiasis, is caused by a fungus belonging to the genus Candida. Among gynecological diseases, candidiasis ranks second after bacterial vaginosis and is more common in women of reproductive age. Cases of the disease of girls and women of menopausal age are registered 2-3 times less often.

According to the clinical picture, the nature of the symptoms is usually given:

  1. Asymptomatic candidosis - fungi are present in the microflora of the vagina, but the disease does not cause.
  2. True vaginal candidiasis: acute (lasts up to 2 months), chronic (symptoms are seen more than 3 months).

The causes of vaginal candidiasis

In most cases, the disease develops against a background of changes in the hormonal background, a decrease in local immunity. These changes create favorable conditions for the reproduction and development of the fungus. Among the factors that cause the development of vaginal candidiasis, doctors call:

The disease does not belong to sexual infections, but often men act as carriers of Candida fungus - in males, the disease does not appear. At the sexual certificate or act infection is possible. An important role is played by the number and frequency of sexual acts, as the risk of traumatization of the mucous membranes of the vagina increases, which causes an exacerbation of chronic forms of candidiasis. Thrush in women (the causes of the occurrence are discussed above) may also occur after a while after sexual contact.

Vaginal candidiasis - symptoms

The disease in most cases has an acute onset, therefore, knowing the first signs of thrush in women, to identify the disease is not difficult. With increased growth and reproduction of the fungus, women begin to experience severe itching and burning, which are the result of mucosal damage. After a short time, pathological vaginal discharge appears: they are abundant, with a sour smell, of white color. As the progression of the disease thickens, and acquire the consistency of cottage cheese. When examined, doctors fix the following signs of thrush in women:

With a chronic form of candidiasis, there is no secretion, but hyperemia of the mucosa, burning and itching are present. Over time, the mucosa becomes flabby, atrophic, which leads to narrowing of the entrance to the vagina, hemorrhagic eruptions appear. At the sexual certificate or act the woman tests a pain and a dyscomfort. Chronic form is characterized by long-term course and frequent periods of exacerbation.

Vaginal candidiasis - treatment

Before treating vaginal candidiasis, doctors prescribe laboratory tests to see for sure their preliminary conclusions. To correctly choose a medicine for thrush for women, are appointed:

After the formulation of the exact diagnosis, an individual plan of therapeutic measures is developed. The basis of treatment for vaginal candidiasis is always made by antibacterial drugs, whose action is directed to inhibition of the development and reproduction of the fungus. Additionally carry out:

Tablets from thrush for women

When treatment of thrush in women, the drugs are selected individually. When starting therapy in the early stages, local pharmacological agents are effective: ointments, suppositories and vaginal tablets. The need for oral medication in the tablet form arises in the chronic form of candidiasis or late onset of treatment. It is worth noting that the effect of such drugs is persistent, and after the passed course, a woman forgets about the illness for a long time. Among the used it is necessary to allocate the following effective tablets from thrush for women:

Ointment from vaginal candidiasis

Such a remedy for thrush for women, like ointment, has a number of advantages over other forms of medicines:

Ointments with a mycostatic effect are available, and a large number of preparations of this group are represented in the pharmacy network. However, before using the medication, you should consult a doctor who will choose the appropriate drug, indicate the duration and frequency of use. Among the commonly used tools of this group are:

Vaginal Candles in Candidiasis

Suppositories are the most common form of medicines used in gynecology. Candles are also used for the diagnosis of vaginal candidiasis. Setting the drug in the focus of inflammation and active reproduction of fungi provides a quick therapeutic effect. Applying the newest antifungal drugs for vaginal candidiasis, the patient's first changes are recorded 10-20 minutes after the suppository is staged. Plus is the low risk of side effects. To quickly exclude vaginal candidiasis, the best candles:

Vaginal tablets against candidiasis

Doctors, talking about how to cure thrush in women, note the high efficiency of vaginal tablets. This form of drugs differs from suppositories by the form and concentration of the active substance. In the rest they are similar. In addition, the same drug can be produced in two of these forms. For the treatment of candidiasis more often use:

Vaginal candidiasis - folk remedies

Doctors often find it difficult to call an effective and effective remedy for thrush for women. In this case, doctors indicate the need for a comprehensive therapy of candidiasis. As a means of symptomatic treatment, gynecologists allow the use of certain folk remedies.

Marigold Infusion


Preparation, application

  1. The grass is brewed in enameled dishes, covered with a lid.
  2. They put on a weak fire and boil for 15 minutes.
  3. Remove from the plate, allow to stand for 1 hour. Filter.
  4. They are taken in the morning and in the evening. The resulting solution can also be used for douching.

Juniper from thrush


Preparation, application

  1. Berries are poured with boiling water, insist 4 hours.
  2. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

The roots of wormwood


Preparation, application

  1. Roots are ground, poured with boiling water.
  2. Insist 4 hours.
  3. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.

Diet for vaginal candidiasis

Effective treatment of thrush in women also implies compliance with the diet. It is aimed at depriving the fungus of a source of nutrition - carbohydrates and sugar. At the time of treatment, doctors are advised to exclude from the diet:

At the same time, the menu increases the amount of meat dishes rich in protein:

From vegetables during a diet it is necessary to give preference:

Can I get rid of thrush forever?

Fungus of the genus Candida refers to conditionally pathogenic microorganisms - is present in the composition of the vaginal microflora at all times, without causing candidiasis. Completely get rid of it is impossible. In order to reduce the risk of disease, prophylaxis of vaginal candidiasis should be carried out, which presupposes: