Radio wave treatment of cervical erosion

Today, women, especially young women, have a disease such as erosion of the cervix (a defect in her mucous membrane). The causes of erosion can be: diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse, especially trichomoniasis; injuries; abnormalities in the hormonal background; violation of local immunity.

To concern to this disease it is necessary seriously enough, since any damage to the uterus increases the risk of a precancerous condition. Today in gynecology, modern highly effective technologies are being introduced that allow for adequate treatment. To such technologies in medicine is the radio wave treatment of cervical erosion. In this article we will consider why such therapy is the most optimal and safe.

Treatment of cervical erosion by radio waves

The procedure of cauterization is carried out with the help of the high-frequency radio wave apparatus "Surgitron". The main advantage of the radio wave method is the absence of such negative factors as:

Radio wave treatment of erosion also has an antiseptic effect, which prevents penetration of infection into the cervical tissue and prevents inflammation.

The dissection of the tissue during the procedure is not a consequence of mechanical action. The principle of the method of cauterization is that a cut is applied to the surface of the tissue and then the evaporation of the affected tissues is carried out using electromagnetic oscillations of the ultrahigh frequency. The surgical electrode is made of a very thin wire that does not heat up. The tissues, resisting radio waves, produce heat, and this results in a dissecting effect. It is for these reasons that women do not feel pain.

Cauterization of cervical erosion by radio waves allows you to make the most accurate cut - any configuration and depth.

Treatment of erosion by radio-wave method

Before this method of treatment is performed, a woman should undergo a survey, namely:

Immediately, the treatment is prescribed on the 5th-10th day of the menstrual cycle, so that the tissue can heal until the next menstrual period begins. A great advantage of this method is the one-time procedure. After it for 2-4 weeks, you need to follow certain recommendations, namely: to limit physical activity; Do not lift weights above 3 kg; exclude sexual contact; not to visit the sauna, bath, pool; do not take a bath.

Contraindications to radio wave treatment of erosion are: acute inflammatory processes, chronic diseases, pregnancy, oncology, diabetes, the presence of a pacemaker in a woman.

In general, after the radio wave procedure, complications are not observed, but recovery is rapid and smooth. After treatment by the method of cauterization of erosion by radio waves, there may be minor consequences: uninvolved discharge of red-brown or pink color and pulling pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms are normal and pass on their own.

The insidiousness of cervical erosion lies in the fact that it most often develops without any symptoms. Therefore, every woman must regularly (once every six months) visit a gynecologist in order to avoid unpleasant consequences and the appearance of more serious diseases.