Premenopause - symptoms

The female organism is thought up to the last detail, however, it also has certain changes. Already after forty, many women experience health disruptions that characterize the first signs of premenopause. And these unexpected changes start to frighten. But, the more you know, the easier it will be to deal with the issues that arise.

Premenopause - a gradual decline in hormonal activity in the body of a woman who precedes the menopause. It is during this period and various physical ailments are possible due to the unstable level of hormones. The estrogens and progesterones that regulate the menstrual cycle also affect other organs, leading to the appearance of various symptoms.

Premenopause - symptoms

  1. Hot flashes and sweating at night are the most common symptoms. Sudden rise in body temperature, a sharp blush on the face, this condition can occur both in the day and at night, accompanied by increased sweating. These attacks can occur almost every hour, often violating the daily rhythm of life. Some women complain of increased pressure and swelling in the legs.
  2. The main, and sometimes dangerous, signal is a profuse period in premenopause, after which there is an unexpected termination of them for several months or more until complete absence. These symptoms and even minor spotting require special attention, as they can hide behind themselves various pathological changes in the uterus, leading to cancer.
  3. Unexpected mood swings, fatigue, lack of sleep and increased irritability become natural states during the period of premenopause. Possible headaches, dizziness and nausea.
  4. Loss of reproductive function leads to a decrease in sexual desire, dryness and discomfort in sexual intercourse. On the other hand, it is very important not to forget about contraception in this period, since the possibility of pregnancy is available for several years.

Most women are found only with some of the listed symptoms. With the right approach and observation at the gynecologist you can reduce their influence on your habitual way of life to a minimum.

Age of premenopause

The most common premenopause in women occurs between the ages of 40 and 50, but a so-called "early premenopause" is also possible, which may appear as early as the thirties. As we see, this period covers different age categories. It depends on the genetic predisposition, surgical interventions and the transferred diseases. But at the same time, relying on scientific research, five out of a hundred women do not face this problem until 60 years.

Asking how long premenopause lasts, it is necessary to pay attention to the individual characteristics of the woman's organism, its nutrition and the use of various drugs, including hormones. On average, the duration of premenopause is about 4-10 years before the onset of menopause.

Treatment during premenopause

As for the treatment of premenopause, then, based on the prevailing symptoms, you need to contact a neurologist, a cardiologist or gynecologist.

Regular examinations and consultations with a doctor, physical training, healthy eating, and most importantly, the rejection of bad habits, will prevent various complications in the future and keep your health in tone. Also, do not take a great interest in self-medication, especially careful to be with the use of hormonal drugs. After all, your body is the main treasure and should not be subjected to unnecessary testing.