Vegetables for weight loss

Those who are concerned about the problem of excess weight and struggling for their harmony, know perfectly well that there is nothing better, more useful and effective for losing weight than vegetables. They can be eaten in any quantity, in any form, but due to low caloric content and easy digestibility, you do not risk to gain extra pounds, but on the contrary, using some types of vegetables, get rid of the surplus.

The use of vegetables, due to the dietary fiber contained in them, strengthens the motor function of the intestine, and we want to talk about the most useful for losing weight vegetables and their effect on the human body.

List of Vegetables for Weight Loss

Below we give some examples of low-calorie vegetables, the use of which contributes to weight loss:

  1. Spinach . This greens is the richest source of useful vitamins, copper, calcium iron, but it contains only 22 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, if you want to lose weight, then eat spinach in raw or cooked form every day, and you will not only lose weight, but also improve the work of the heart, strengthen the vessels and slow down the aging process of the body.
  2. Cabbage is an excellent source of cellulose, perfectly fills the stomach and quenches the hunger, while it contains only 25 kcal per 100 g. Cabbage enhances the secretion of bile, stimulates the pancreas and normalizes the intestinal microflora. It is recommended to use it for people who are predisposed to fullness and lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  3. Celery is another kind of greenery, which is recommended to be included in your daily diet, and not only because of low caloric content (12 kcal per 100 g), but also because of the content of vitamins A, C, calcium, phosphorus and potassium. Celery cleanses the stomach and helps to remove all harmful substances.
  4. Tomatoes - these red fruits are useful not only for losing weight, but also for maintaining health. It has long been proven that the lycopene contained in them inhibits the development of cancer. In addition, tomatoes, although they contain only 20 kcal per 100 g, perfectly saturate and nourish the body, thanks to the high content of fiber, vitamins and trace elements.
  5. Pumpkin is a useful and nutritious vegetable that can be eaten both raw and cooked, and cook many different dishes from it. The pumpkin is quite nutritious, despite the low content of sugar and cholesterol and a low caloric value of 21 kcal per 100 g. It contains potassium, vitamins C, B1 and B2, phosphorus, magnesium and many other nutrients.
  6. Onion - stimulates the secretion of digestive juice, and is an excellent antiseptic. It contains phytoncides, which are famous for their antimicrobial properties and are able to fight with putrid and pathogenic microbes. At the same time, the calorie content of onions is only 38 kcal per 100 g.
  7. Cucumbers are one of the best vegetables for weight loss, since they are 95% water, which makes them the best diuretic. Caloric content is very small - 15 kcal per 100 g. At the same time they contain phosphorus and calcium, and stimulate hair growth. Cucumbers are valuable in that they can neutralize acidic compounds in the body.
We named you the most useful vegetables for weight loss, but this does not mean that the rest do not deserve to get on your table. The main idea is that whatever vegetables you lose weight for yourself, the main thing is to eat them regularly, in large quantities, so that the percentage of vegetables in your diet is at least 50% and do not get hung up on the same things, but do it its menu varied. Stew and raw vegetables are equally suitable for weight loss, so you can prepare yourself a variety of dishes from them even every day and lose weight by eating them.