What calcium is better absorbed by the body?

The question of which calcium is better absorbed by the body can not be solved without resorting to the conditions that are necessary for the adoption of this element. In order that the body could get the most benefit, calcium should be taken with magnesium, phosphorus and vitamin D. If you ignore the products for the assimilation of calcium, then the mineral simply can not be used by the body.

What helps in the absorption of calcium?

If you plan to take calcium preparations, pay attention to Calcium D3 Nycomed, Calcemin, Calcium Citrate and the like, which immediately contain a balanced complex that allows you to digest minerals, and not withdraw them because of the inability to make the necessary reactions.

How to improve the absorption of calcium?

You can get calcium together with food, and you can take drugs during meals. In this case, Ca is excellently absorbed and has a complex effect on the body. To do this, simply include in your daily menu several products from this list:

  1. Cottage cheese - in it, calcium and phosphorus are contained in an ideal proportion, as well as a lot of magnesium, thanks to which the body in the complex receives several minerals suitable for reaction.
  2. Any products from a number of beans (beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, beans) is an excellent source of magnesium and phosphorus. Taking calcium medications with them, you allow the body to use all the results obtained to the maximum!
  3. Excellent absorption of calcium from milk and all dairy products, because it is in it in a dissolved form, in the form of lactate.
  4. Calcium can be obtained from cabbage, broccoli , greens, turnips, fish and almonds. Adding a little sesame to each dish, you are guaranteed to get a daily rate of calcium.

Scientists have proved that for the assimilation of calcium, and motor activity is necessary, and this is another reason to start jogging and enroll in a fitness club.