Salad with sausage and cheese

Let's consider with you below how to prepare a salad with sausage and cheese.

Salad with croutons, cheese and sausage



First, prepare all the ingredients for the salad. For this, smoked sausage is cut into thin straws, cheese is shredded on a grater, and garlic is cleaned and squeezed through a press. Then we connect everything in a bowl, add salt to taste, fill it with mayonnaise and mix it.

Salad with sausage, cheese, cucumber and egg



Sausage cut into small cubes. Fresh cucumber washed, cut the peel and chop it a bit. Eggs boil, cleanse from the shell, cool and chop. Fused raw cheese unfold and rub on a large grater. Next, we take a salad bowl and mix in it all the prepared ingredients, season with homemade mayonnaise , salt and mix well.

Salad with tomatoes, sausage, cheese and garlic


For refueling:


Sausage is washed, peeled and cut into cubes. Cheese is cut with the same knife. Tomatoes are washed and shredded in small slices. Greenery washed, a little dried and finely shredded. All the prepared components are put in one bowl and mixed. Then lay out the prepared mass in the crockery. Tooth cloves garlic clean, squeezed through the press and connect with sour cream. We spread the received dressing on top of the salad and serve it to the table.

Salad with sausage, tomatoes and cheese


For refueling:


Viennese sausages shinkle in thin circles and melenko chop the green onion. Bulgarian pepper is processed, purified from seeds, washed and cut into cubes. Also chop and cheese. For filling, combine natural yogurt with mayonnaise, we throw salt, chopped garlic, sugar and ground pepper.

Next, go to the preparation of tomatoes. To begin with, they are washed and wiped with a clean cloth. Then put each tomato "ass" down and cut into 8 pieces, but do not cut it to the end, but leave the whole bottom. As a result, you should get tomato baskets in the form of an open flower. Next, gently remove the spoon with extra juice and pour it to the gas station. The previously prepared ingredients are mixed, seasoned with sauce and spread over baskets. We serve a ready-made salad, spreading the "flowers" on a wide flat dish, covered with leaves of a green salad. We decorate the salad greens with parsley, celery or cilantro.

Salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, cheese and sausage



We cut the sausage into small cubes, and cut the tomatoes in circles. Cheese grind on a grater, and garlic is cleaned and finely, finely chopped. Spread the salad layers, lubricating each with mayonnaise with the addition of garlic, squeezed through the press. First we put sausage, then tomatoes and cheese. We send the ready salad for a couple of hours in the fridge, and before serving on the table, make out slices of fresh tomatoes.