Red brush - medicinal properties and contraindications

A red brush is a rare long-term low-growing plant. It is very often used in folk medicine, because it is rich in tannins, organic acids, phenols, essential oils and other useful substances. But, since the red brush has both medicinal properties and contraindications, they always take it with extreme caution.

The healing properties of a red brush

A red brush is a natural hormone. This plant has adaptogenic and immune properties, which allows it to activate the forces of a weakened organism to restore it. The main healing properties of a red brush is that it:

With the help of decoctions and infusions of such a plant, anemia and polyps are treated. After their use in the body, the number of free radicals rapidly decreases. Widespread use of red brushes in gynecology, because its therapeutic properties include the ability to normalize the hormonal background and normalize the functioning of the endocrine system. Use it to treat:

The red brush reduces the cholesterol content and normalizes blood pressure. It can improve the work of the heart in just a few days. Thanks to these medicinal properties, the plant uses a red brush to treat hypertension, atherosclerosis and other ailments that affect the cardiovascular system. Drink drugs with it and with cancer. It stops the growth of malignant cells and gives the person strength to withstand unfavorable factors.

Preparation of medicines with a red brush

A lot of medicinal properties is possessed by tincture from the grass with a red brush.

Tincture recipe


Preparation and use

Grind the rhizomes of the red brush, pour them with alcohol in a glass bowl. Infuse in a dark place, from time to time shaking the contents. After 30 days drain the tincture and take 40 drops three times a day.

To restore immunity and increase mental or physical activity, it is better to drink a decoction from a red brush.

The recipe for broth


Preparation and use

Grind the rhizomes of the red brush and pour them with water. Cook the mixture for 15 minutes. After 45 minutes, strain the composition and add water to make 200 ml. Take it in small amounts during the day. If you do not like the taste of the broth with a red brush, add honey, it does not affect its healing properties.

With gynecological diseases, patients are shown syringing with a special solution with tincture from this plant.

Prescription means


Preparation and use

Mix well the tincture and water. Douching should be done in the morning and in the evening for 7 days. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated 3 times.

Contraindications to the use of a red brush

Despite the fact that the broth and tincture of the red brush has many healing properties, it also has contraindications, therefore It is not always possible to apply it for treatment. It can not be used categorically when: