How to cook wheat porridge on water?

It can not be said that wheat porridge in the modern world is in good demand, but a couple of hundred years ago it could be found literally on every table. Then such porridge was cooked and on holidays and for every day, they added milk with butter or served with meat and poultry. Now the wheat has lost its popularity, undeservedly. This cheap and satisfying porridge is a useful source of complex carbohydrates, it has a neutral taste, and therefore can be served with anything, and in addition to cook quickly and simply. About how to weld wheat porridge on the water, we just talk below.

How to cook crumbly wheat porridge on the water?

Most often, porridge is cooked from wheat grits, which is characterized by its mealy nature. Without proper processing of this cereal will not come out crumbly porridge.

Flushing is the main key on the way to crumbly wheat cereal. First, the croup is washed with warm water at about room temperature, and when the leaky liquid begins to become transparent, it is possible to start gradually lowering the temperature. Rinse the rump in a saucepan with a thick bottom and pour two times more water. After adding salt, put the wheat croup on the fire and cover with a lid without a hole. To the excess steam still could go out, place a wrapped kitchen towel under the lid. On top, cover the pan with a bowl of the appropriate diameter and leave everything for 15 minutes, putting out a small fire. At the end of cooking, remove the dishes from the fire, but do not open the lid, let the porridge of the wheat cereal on the water run the same period of time. Only then add everything with melted butter and mix.

How to cook wheat porridge on water?

Even if you want to get a viscous gruel at the exit, the wheat must be washed anyway, so you get rid of the possible litter and excessive stickiness. After rinsing the rump, pour it into a pan with a thick bottom to avoid burning. In advance, bring to boiling water, the amount of which should exceed the volume of cereals in half. After re-boiling the liquid, salt and mix the rump.

How much to cook wheat porridge on the water?

About 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally. If you do not have time, throw a piece of butter into the ready-made garnish and try, but if there is time, let the porridge stick in a barely heated oven for another half an hour.

Preparation of liquid wheat porridge on water

The secret of cooking liquid porridge is obvious: you only need to add water about half above the norm and you will get the perfect porridge for cooking casseroles and puddings, as well as for complementary feeding to young children. After washing the porridge, pour it into a thick-walled pan and fill it with water. Leave everything to cook over low heat, stirring occasionally. After 15 minutes, the porridge can be removed from the fire, seasoned, supplemented with butter and covered. Another 10 minutes and it's time to take a sample.

Wheat porridge in a multivark on the water

It is convenient to cook porridge in modern devices, uniform heating and the thickness of the walls of the bowl which allow the croup not to burn to the bottom.

After rinsing the rump, pour it into the bowl and pour two times more water. Oil, sweeteners, salt and other additives are put right away. After that, close the lid of the device and turn on the "Kasha" or "Milk porridge" mode. After half an hour, the croup will be ready. Leave it to stand for another 10 minutes and take off the sample.

The ideal company for such a side dish will be boiled meat, meat sauce and pickled vegetables . And for the aroma, to the water, in which porridge is cooked, you can add a laurel.