Verbena - planting and care

Verbena refers to the number of not only very beautiful, but also non-selective plants that amateur gardeners prefer to grow. Verbena garden has one virtue - a rather long flowering period, but only if it is properly taken care of and regularly cut off the buds that have already withered, and its beauty will please the eye to the frosts.

Verbena: planting and care

Select a location

Verbena, requires careful and proper care when growing. Very important is the place in which it will be planted. Such a beautiful plant as verbena, whose flowering is possible in the late autumn, is just perfect for decorating household plots. It is important to take into account the fact that the most beautiful bushes will grow only in those areas where much sunlight falls, since verbena refers to light-loving plants, and buds with green leaves will not fade even under the condition of prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. If desired, it will be possible to grow verbena in small pendant pots , since the plant has a rather small root system.

We sow seeds

Best verbena is grown from seeds, after which the seedlings are transplanted into the prepared soil. At the beginning of spring, the seeds are sown in the soil (preferably in the first half of March, when there will be no frost, so that the seeds do not become frozen), and it is important to make sure that the soil is loose enough, otherwise the shoots will not be able to break through. The soil must consist of peat and sand (1: 2). Before sowing seeds, the soil will need to be watered and slightly compacted (you can just crush it with your hands). On top of the seeds to fill the ground is not worth it, since it will be necessary to cover the container with the future seedlings from above with a simple cellophane bag or glass. Then the container with seeds is placed in a sufficiently warm room and left exactly for two days, after which the seedlings are moved to a cooler place.

Approximately in one and a half weeks there will be the first shoots of seedlings. As soon as the seedlings start to rise, the container is moved to a well-lit window sill, while removing the film or glass and regularly spraying the shoots. It is important to remember that the plant needs moderate irrigation, so that the weak roots do not start to rot. Observing these simple recommendations reproduction of verbena will not cause serious problems and with time beautiful flowers will appear in the garden.

Planted in open ground

Transplant seedlings can be about a month and a half, with the distance between the sents should be from two to three centimeters, but not less. For seedlings it will be necessary to prepare the right soil - a mixture of turf and humus, it is also recommended to add a relatively small amount of wood ash . If there is too dry soil in the hole, then it should be slightly moistened before the planting, and then place a seedling sprout in it and sprinkle with soil, then pour it. It should be borne in mind that during the first few days after planting, watering should not be very abundant, moderate.

Watering and care

In the summer it is worth several times to feed the plant with complex fertilizers. Verbena is a drought-resistant plant, but still it needs moderate watering.

Wintering verbena

You can grow verbena as an annual plant, but if you know how to keep verbena in winter, then wintering verbena will pass easily and in the spring the first buds will begin to appear. In order that with the onset of cold weather, the plant does not die, it will have to be covered with a small slide of sand or sawdust.

Reproduction of verbena

Verben can not only be grown from seeds, but also propagated by cuttings. In this case, it will be necessary to maternity, in late autumn, to place in a sufficiently cool room, the ideal option will be to use a cellar. In March, it is necessary to cut the shank, after which it takes root in the sand, mildly watered.

Verbena Diseases

Verbena can suffer from aphids and whiteflies, and the danger to the plant carries a lack of iron. Despite the fact that verbena of the disease suffers quite easily, it must be regularly fed and fertilized, as well as sprayed with preparations from pests and insects.