Violation of coordination of movement

Every person during his life performs a huge number of a variety of movements and actions. This implementation is always smooth and organized due to the fact that the person has a well-developed coordination of movements. If certain changes occur in our central nervous system, then this can negatively affect our ability to coordinate our movements. The disorder of coordination of movements, when they become debilitated, unordered and uncontrollable, is called ataxia.

Classification of ataxia

In modern medicine there is one classification of this disorder in the field of motility. Allocate ataxia:

This classification is based on the reasons for the violation of coordination of movements.

Sensitive ataxia

Violation of coordination of movements occurs when the posterior columns or posterior nerves are damaged, as well as the cortex of the parietal lobe of the brain or peripheral nodes. In this case, most often a person feels certain ailments in the lower extremities.

Such a violation of coordination of movement can appear in one leg as well as in both at once. In this case, the person gets the impression that he is walking on cotton wool or for something very soft. To reduce the feeling of such an ataxia, you must constantly look under your feet.

Cerebellar ataxia

Occurs when the cerebellum is impaired. If one hemisphere of the cerebellum is affected, then a person may fall down, down to a fall, towards this hemisphere. If the defeat touched the cerebellum worm, then a person can fall in any direction.

People with this ailment are unable to stand long with their legs shifted and arms outstretched, they begin to fall. In this case, the patient is staggering when walking with widely spaced legs, and speech is noticeably slowed down.

Vestibular Ataxia

This kind of ataxia occurs when the vestibular apparatus is affected. The main manifestation of this disruption in the coordination of movement is a strong dizziness, which, moreover, increases with minor turns of the head. There may be nausea, vomiting, inability to take several steps in a straight line.

Cortical Ataxia

If a person has a frontal or temporal-occipital lobe of the brain, then cortical ataxia occurs. Violation of coordination during walking occurs in the direction opposite to the affected hemisphere. A person may have abnormalities of smell or grasp reflex. Symptoms are similar to those in cerebellar ataxia.

It is worth noting that the violation of coordination of movements arises as a consequence of any disease that you have ever suffered. Therefore, treatment will also be directed to this very disease. Causes of impaired coordination can be various depletion of the body, and brain trauma, and stroke , and much more.

Whatever type of violation you are facing, you should immediately consult a doctor. You will be given a course of preventive and rehabilitation exercises, massages and much more. Be aware that a timely call to a specialist will preserve your health and well-being.