How to sprinkle tomatoes from diseases?

Unfortunately, tomatoes we love can be exposed to various diseases during cultivation, which lead not only to a significant weakening and reduction of yield, but even to the death of plants. But the most dangerous thing is that some diseases caused by spores of fungi affect the beds from year to year. That's why you can not sit idly by, and you should take some measures to save the potential harvest. So, we will tell you what to spray tomatoes from various diseases.

Phytophthora in tomatoes

Usually, after prolonged rains, stems, leaves and unripe fruits are covered with dark brown spots. So one of the most dangerous diseases of a tomato - phytophthora is shown. Of the folk remedies, we recommend trying spraying plants with an ash solution, which is prepared from 300 g of substance and 10 liters of water. To it you can add 15-20 g of crushed laundry soap. Among the new drugs from diseases, tomato with phytophthora is effective Phytofluorin-M, which is diluted in water according to the instructions. A good effect at the first signs of phytophthora is provided by the drug "Oxihom". In the bucket of water, only 2 tablets of the substance are diluted.

Leaf mold

Often because of overmoistening in film greenhouses, the seedlings are exposed to leaf mold. This disease is manifested by the appearance on the inside of the leaves of plants of a velvety plaque of brown color. If we talk about how to process tomatoes in a greenhouse against such diseases, then in addition to frequent airing and reducing the amount of watering the beds, it is recommended to spray with a special solution. It is made from 10 liters of water, 1 tablespoon of household soap scraps, 1 tablespoon of copper sulfate. In addition, periodically tomatoes can be sprayed with a biological fungicide, for example, Barrier, whose 3 tablespoons are diluted in 10 liters of water.

Vertex Rot

Vertex rot, which appears due to a lack of moisture and an overabundance of calcium, is manifested by the appearance on fruits of dark brown or black spots. In addition to watering, tomato spraying from diseases is shown. Copper saltpeter (10 liters of water of 15-20 g of substance) is good.


When mosaic, when the tomato leaves are folded, and the fruits are covered with green-yellow spots, the treatment of the ground part is also applied. In this case, a solution of potassium permanganate is used to control tomato diseases in the open ground. It is prepared from 1 g of substance and a bucket of water. Sprouts in the greenhouse is recommended to spray with a solution of skim milk. A liter of water is mixed with a liter of milk and 1 teaspoon of urea is added. Such spraying should be done three times every 5-7 days.

Dry spotting

Dry spotting, or alternaria, can be distinguished by dry black spots, gradually increasing in size. The fungal disease progresses due to the rapid spread of disputes. You can cope with it if you carry out preventive measures or treat beds at the first signs. To do this, use such drugs to process tomato from diseases like Phytosporin-M, Fundazol , Champion, Bravo. When the bushes are first infected, neighboring healthy plants are sprinkled with a tomato saver, which has a triple action: as a biological regulator, a growth stimulant and an insecticide.


With a black stalk, when all the parts of the plant are covered with black spots, three ways of fighting are suggested. The first is spraying with a mixture of broth from onion husk and calcium nitrate . In a liter of broth dissolve 1-2 g of saltpeter. A good result is the treatment of beds with a solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 g is taken per liter of water). With a significant defeat of tomatoes, Homicide fungicide is used. 40 g of the substance is dissolved in a bucket of water.