How is conjunctivitis transmitted?

The eyeball is surrounded by a mucous membrane - conjunctiva. Like other tissues, it is susceptible to inflammatory and putrefactive processes, irritation due to infection with bacteria or viruses. Given the speed and extent of the spread of pathogenic microorganisms, it is important to always remember how the conjunctivitis is transmitted in order not to become infected with this pathology or to diagnose the disease in a timely manner.

Is conjunctivitis transmitted by airborne or otherwise?

The disease described is one of the most contagious.

In a fluid continuously washing the conjunctiva, a huge number of pathogenic cells accumulate. Their concentration is much higher than that of nasopharyngeal infection. Accordingly, a considerable amount of dangerous microorganisms is also released into the environment.

It is worth noting that conjunctivitis is transmitted not only by airborne droplets. Ways of its transfer also include contact, water and household. Therefore, for the infection of the pathology in question, it is not even necessary to be with the patient in the same room or to communicate with him, it is sufficient to take advantage of some kind of everyday use.

Conjunctivitis of an allergic or chronic form is not contagious, but it is difficult to distinguish it from the remaining varieties of the disease. Therefore, when there are typical symptoms, it is necessary to isolate the patient immediately, and then to find out the causative agent of the symptoms.

How is the viral conjunctivitis of the eye transmitted?

Viruses are considered the most common cause of inflammation of the conjunctiva. Any groups of pathogenic cells can provoke the development of the disease:

The standard way of transferring such conjunctivitis is airborne, so this form of the disease is common in large groups, where it quickly acquires an epidemic status.

Often a microbial infection joins the viral, which complicates the course of the pathology.

How is bacterial conjunctivitis transmitted?

The causative agents of the presented type of lesions of the mucous membrane of the eyes are various bacteria:

Microorganisms are more resistant to unfavorable conditions than viruses, so they can remain viable for a long time in the external environment. As a consequence, bacterial conjunctivitis is transmitted by airborne, by household, by contact, and even by water. If a healthy person uses the same items as the patient, the risk of infection is very high.

A peculiarity of the microbial form of the disease is its propensity to transition inflammation to a chronic process. Periodically, there will be relapses associated with a decrease in the activity of the immune system against infections, allergic reactions, hypothermia or overheating, microscopic eye injuries and other damaging factors.

How quickly is conjunctivitis transmitted?

Viruses and bacteria enter the body instantly, but they do not always cause the development of the described disease. There will be an infection or not, depends only on the state of the body's defenses.

If immunity is weakened, a single "sneeze", a kiss or a short exchange of greetings with the carrier of pathogenic cells is sufficient. Otherwise, the defense system will quickly cope with the attack of viruses or bacteria, even with regular communication and the living of a healthy person with the patient.