Diet with hot peppers

Have you lost hope of losing weight ?! Then this article is something that will help you. Not everyone knows that hot peppers are a great way to lose weight fast. We will tell you about all sorts of "sharp" diets in more detail.

Hot pepper for weight loss

First, let's look at why the diet on hot pepper is so effective and often used. This product contains a special substance - capsaicin, which is a natural slowing agent for the growth of living cells of the body. In addition, the daily use of a large amount of acute improves metabolism - the natural burning of body fat cells. However, it is worth keeping a special diet.

Diet on pepper

If you decide to sit on an "acute" diet, then it is necessary to carefully observe the daily diet, which in addition to hot pepper (1 tsp) should contain the following foods:

Naturally, all the content of pepper should not be in one dish. It can be distributed throughout the day's diet, for example, add as seasoning to a chicken, fill a vegetable salad or make a more spicy taste of the garnish.

Diet: kefir, cinnamon, pepper, ginger

"Acute" diet can be not only in the form of a whole diet, but also as a supplement to the standard routine of special "hot" cocktails. For its preparation it is necessary:

All this must be well stirred. For these purposes, it is better to use a blender.

The duration of an "acute diet" should not exceed seven days. In addition, it can be repeated no more than once in 2 months. Diet is also prohibited for people with gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis, diabetes. In any case, before deciding on this diet - consult a doctor!

Diet on Bulgarian pepper

Another popular type of diet is a diet on Bulgarian pepper. Here, vegetables and fruits are used as a basis, which improve digestion and excretion of toxins from the body. In addition, this type of diet helps to strengthen immunity. The diet is as follows:

On the first day - vegetables (the basis - Bulgarian pepper) and fruits . The total weight of vegetables is no more than 1 kg.

The second day - Bulgarian pepper + fruit (no more than 1 kg).

The third - the fourth day - 1 egg, 300 g of vegetables, 300 g of fruit.

The fifth - the seventh day - 1 kg of vegetables and fruits, 200 g of boiled meat (better chicken). You can add low-fat yogurt or yogurt.

The second week is the repetition of the first.