Why can not pregnant women go to the cemetery?

Our people have long believed in signs. And, if relatively ordinary life is thought up enough, then, regarding the pregnant woman, certainly - a dime a dozen. Recently I learned that a pregnant woman can not go to the cemetery. Of course, you need to understand, at least to calm the soul, because "gold is extracted from the earth, and knowledge - from the book." And that's what we managed to find out.

1. Pregnancy and cemetery in terms of philosophy. Pregnancy is always associated with the beginning of a new life. A cemetery, on the contrary, is considered a certain sign of the end of life. The opposite of these concepts and gives rise to doubts about the presence at the funeral during pregnancy. The life cycle is constantly alternating with birth and death, this does not change, and a woman who wears a new life somehow does not look at the cemetery where the life of other people ends.

2. The opinion of the church about whether it is possible for pregnant women to go to the cemetery and funeral. The servants of the church believe that visiting the cemetery and commemorating the dead is our responsibility in life. And it is possible and necessary for everyone, even pregnant women. They believe that the Lord God sends his blessing to those people who do not forget their dead relatives, their ancestors. But we must remember that it is necessary to do this from a pure heart, not by coercion. When a pregnant woman does not feel well, do not go to the cemetery, it is better to postpone the trip for another day.

3. Opinion of psychologists, why pregnant women can not go to the cemetery. Such superstition as pregnancy, cemetery and funeral can still be explained in scientific language. Doctors remind, that any negative emotions negatively influence the state of health of a woman and her future baby. At the funeral, internal tension is especially amplified, which does not affect health in the best way, because it has long been proven that the cause of many ailments and illnesses is stress. Especially it is necessary to take care of the nerves in the early stages of pregnancy. But in life there can be different situations when you need to go to a funeral. Then try to communicate less with the mourners, keep yourself in hand, try to calm yourself in any way, and most importantly, think about your unborn baby.

If you have a desire to visit the grave of deceased relatives or friends, but this does not cause you fear or negative emotions, doctors will not be able to protest your impulses. But always remember, your attitude to everything that happens should not affect the health and development of the child!

4. What do the forums say about whether a pregnant woman can go to the cemetery? Many forums of future mothers are full of similar questions. Opinions vary. Some advise pregnant women not to "contact" the dead, frightened that the baby's mother's womb does not yet have a guardian angel, and therefore he is defenseless against the "dark forces". Others argue that it's better for pregnant women not to look at the whole ceremony, or you can say goodbye to yourself, put candles in the church for him. But it all depends on the degree the severity of grief and your attitude towards the event.

Some pregnant women do not even think of visiting the grave of a loved one at all. On the contrary, it gives them peace of mind, not a stressful and depressive state.

But, if you go to places of congestion of people, think about "terrestrial" - various kinds of infections and viruses. Do not forget that you can lubricate your nose with oxolin ointment. This harmless remedy is effective in the prevention of ARI or ARVI, which for the baby can be much more dangerous than psychological stress.