The recipe for a cake in a microwave oven

Microwave is so widely loved by many for one reason: everything in it is prepared dozens of times faster. Of course, the result can not be compared with what you get after baking in the oven, but you will agree that the prospect of having a lavish cupcake cooked in a couple of minutes can not help but attract.

The recipe for a cake in the microwave for 5 minutes

Do not take the title of this recipe literally, because in fact, the cake in the microwave oven will be ready much faster.



Within the recipe of a cake in a microwave oven, by analogy with the usual cupcake recipe in the oven, the first thing to do is to separately connect the liquid and dry ingredients of our dish. Mix both mixes and whisk together, then add chocolate chips. Put half the finished dough into an oily mold, suitable for cooking a microwave, or in a regular mug, put a spoonful of peanut butter on top and cover with the remaining dough. Cook for a maximum power of 1 minute and 10 seconds.

Cupcake on yogurt in microwave oven - recipe

The simplest recipe for a berry cupcake in a microwave oven is in front of you: the dough can be kneaded directly in a mug, and then add berries and cook at maximum power for literally one and a half to two minutes.



Directly in the form chosen for baking, melt the oil seconds 7-10 and beat it with vanilla, kefir and egg. Put a mixture of sugar with flour and baking powder, and when the dough becomes homogeneous, add a pair of sliced ​​strawberries to it. Cook for 1 minute 45 seconds at maximum power.

The recipe for a chocolate cake in a microwave oven



Before you make a cupcake in the microwave according to our recipe, pass through the sieve the flour and cocoa with the baking powder. Since no eggs are based, it is extremely important to make the mixture as light as possible. To the dry mix, add the melted butter and warm milk, pour the sugar and mix until homogeneous. Bake in oiled form for 7 minutes at maximum power.