New Year's candles with their own hands

To make candles by the New Year with your own hands is not so difficult, but you will have to be patient and willing to create.

Decorative New Year's candles made of wax in the form of a snowman

It is known that a special silicone mold for pouring is not cheap and it is not so easy to find it. If you have a snowman figurine, use it to create a mold. For this we need:

  1. So, create a candle mold. Covering the figure with petroleum jelly, apply a brush to the snowman with a brush.
  2. When the silicone dries, place one of the snowman halves in a box and fill it with gypsum to give a form of solidity. After the gypsum has hardened, separate the halves with foil and pour the second part so that there is a small hole in the bottom of the mold.
  3. Wait for the gypsum to dry completely, open the mold and, carefully cutting the silicone layer, free the snowman.
  4. Melt the household candles in a water bath to a homogeneous mass. To give the desired color will help crushed wax crayons, and aroma - a couple drops of aromamasel.
  5. Fold the form again, secure with a rope. Through the hole pour liquid paraffin, and do not forget to insert the wick.
  6. For fast hardening, put the workpiece in the freezer for 1-2 hours.
  7. After pulling out the finished candle from the mold, add the snowman necessary details with acrylic paints. An indispensable attribute of the New Year's Eve is ready to please you!

New Year's candles with their own hands

Decorate the house and you can gel candles, while they look no less spectacular. Required:

  1. On a slow fire, completely melt the gel and, constantly stirring, pour in the dye.
  2. Heat a glass in a microwave oven or oven, then very few bubbles will form in the gel.
  3. Place the wick in the glass and fill the bottom with gel.
  4. Place the selected inserts - Santa Claus figurines, a snowman, a herringbone, sequins.
  5. Fill the gel with a container.
  6. Allow the candle to dry for 1-2 days.
  7. You can finish decorating New Year's candles with acrylic, beads, lace.

Just imagine a festive table decorated with your creations!