Wanda Orchid

The Wanda family of orchids includes more than 50 kinds of flowers. Homeland of the orchids are tropical and subtropical forests of Australia, South America, Asia with a warm and temperate wet climate. For the most part, Wanda orchids are fairly large plants with a cylindrical leaf stalk 1 meter high and larger. The air roots of the flowers are highly developed. Flowers of Wanda orchids are various in size and have a bright color: blue, purple, pink, red, yellow, white. Some types of orchids have a wonderful smell.

By way of life orchids are divided into:

Among the orchids Vanda ground flowers are rare.

Growing Wanda orchids at home

At room cultivation the varieties of an orchid are most often used: Wanda Blue, Wanda Valkovata and Wanda Tri-color. Those wishing to breed marvelous tropical plants are interested in the question of how to care for Wanda's orchid?

When caring for an orchid, Wanda needs a systematic approach. Since the plant is thermophilic, the most favorable temperature of growing in the house is 22 - 25 degrees. Lighting should be sufficient, but direct sunlight is harmful to flowers. A special requirement is the circulation of air in the room when growing Wanda orchids, otherwise the roots are affected by rot.

For flowering orchids Wanda, the difference between night and daytime temperatures of 3 - 5 degrees is required. In addition, various types of orchids have features: for example, Wanda Blue tolerates a decrease in temperature in the winter to 12 degrees, other species feel good only at temperatures over 15 degrees.

Soil for growing orchids Wanda

The plant is an epiphyte, therefore, a substrate is required that lets the air in to the roots and prevents moisture stagnation. For soil suitable mixture of bark, moss, expanded clay, sand. Garden land does not fit the orchid perfectly! Ready-made soil can be purchased at flower shops. Excellent for growing baskets, nets and special wicker pots, although with good soil the plant grows well in a ceramic pot.

Watering and dressing of orchids Wanda

You should water the orchid with soft water. The moisture should not be stagnant, as it is possible to decay the roots. During the flowering period, the orchid Vanda requires more frequent watering, and in winter the amount of watering is reduced. It is wonderful to periodically arrange plant "bath days" by immersing the container with a plant in water and irrigating from a shallow warm shower. Top dressing for the flower is made during the period of active growth and flowering. Fertilizer is bred in water and watered with orchid once every two weeks.

Reproduction of Wanda orchids

For reproduction at home, a vegetative method is suitable, in which the plant is divided into parts. Also orchids Vanda reproduce lateral shoots and apical cuttings. The prepared part of the plant is planted in a substrate, after which it is placed in a warm place. You can not water a sprout, but you need to sprinkle it with water daily, until the orchid takes root.

Diseases of orchids Wanda

Most often the plant suffers from fungal infections. Fungi come through the wounds on the stem and roots. In order to protect the Wanda orchid or restore it after transportation, all dry, broken parts of the roots are removed. With good care, fungal spores do not manifest themselves, but if the conditions of the content are violated, then the pathogenic manifestations begin: in the orchid Vanda leaves turn yellow, and green leaves fall off. It can only help to cut the affected area. The site of the cut is disinfected with greenery or iodine. For reanimation, the Wanda orchid is kept at a temperature of 20-25 degrees without access to direct sunlight.

With good care of the orchid, Wanda gratefully blossoms in abundant color!