How to cure gastritis?

According to statistics, one of the most common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract is gastritis . Almost one-fourth of the adult population of the planet is sick. As soon as possible to cure gastritis stomach all try, so patients use not only medications, but also folk remedies, as well as a special diet.

Causes and symptoms of gastritis

Inflammation of the internal mucosa of the stomach wall is called gastritis. Before treating gastritis, it is necessary to understand what caused its appearance, otherwise all treatment may be ineffective.

The emergence of this disease contributes:

If you suddenly have pain or heaviness in the pit of your stomach, a burp with the smell of long-eaten food, a tongue has appeared on the tongue, and after some meals, nausea and even vomiting is painful, it is worth thinking about how quickly to cure gastritis, because in time it can become chronic.

In chronic form to all of the above symptoms will reduce appetite, heartburn and an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

Medication for gastritis

When diagnosed gastritis treatment with antibiotics always includes several drugs. The scheme of treatment is prescribed only by a doctor. When the appearance of gastritis is caused by the Helicobacter bacterium, you will definitely be assigned a 10/14-day course of antibiotics.

Gastroenterologist for improving the motor function of the stomach can recommend you Motilium, and for the healing of the mucosa of Solcoseryl.

Folk treatment of gastritis

You can treat this disease with the help of traditional medicine. Will help overcome the gastritis of wheat grains. 100 g of raw materials should be filled with water, and when sprouts appear, rinse and let them through the meat grinder. The resulting mass is diluted with several tablespoons of vegetable oil and eaten daily on an empty stomach.

In order to cure gastritis as soon as possible with folk remedies, it is necessary to mix sea-buckthorn oil and 10% propolis tincture in the ratio 1:10. Drink such a mixture of 20-30 ка¬пель with milk or water three times a day.

Before you cure chronic gastritis at home, you should consult your doctor. But the fruit of hawthorn can help in the fight against such a disease. They are steamed in the oven and eat warm with the remaining liquid.

It is very useful for gastritis decoction of the fruits of bird cherry. 1 tbsp. dry fruit pour 1 cup boiling water and cook for 10-15 minutes. Then 40 drops of 10% alcohol extract of propolis are added to the cooled mixture. The finished product is taken 30-50 ml three times a day.

Diet with gastritis

Treatment of gastritis with herbs or other folk remedies will not be effective unless you follow a special diet. When gastritis is recommended to eat:

If you have gastritis, forget about alcohol, confectionery, hard cheeses, legumes, rye bread, fried eggs, fatty meat and fish, canned food, cabbage, spices, radish, turnip, onion, tomatoes, grapes, fat, fatty sour cream, brisket, sweets, chocolate and spicy. During treatment and for the prevention of gastritis should be observed diet: there are 5 times a day in small portions.