Mastopathy - treatment with folk remedies

Mastopathy is one of the most common breast diseases. According to experts, mastopathy can be called a female companion of the twenty-first century. Since most of the fair sex have some of the signs of this disease.

Mastopathy is associated with violations of the hormonal balance in the female body. Mastopathy appears as a seal, which can be detected by probing the breast. Starting from the middle of the menstrual cycle, a woman begins to experience pain in the chest, which intensifies with every subsequent menstruation. Depending on the stage of the disease, a woman's general health may worsen. In some cases, mastopathy can develop into breast cancer.

The causes of mastopathy are a variety of diseases - kidneys, adrenals, ovaries, thyroid and other organs. In the body, the hormonal balance is broken, which is very sensitive to tender breast tissue. As a result, there is mastopathy.

Treatment of mastopathy with folk remedies

Modern methods of treatment of mastopathy can effectively get rid of all the signs of this disease, but many women after a while the disease returns. It is in these cases that women begin to turn to folk remedies for mastopathy.

Mastopathy was treated with folk remedies at all times, long before the first medicines appeared. Traditional medicine allows you to get rid of the causes of mastopathy, and not only from its consequences. Before treating mastopathy with folk remedies, you need to determine exactly how mastopathy develops-on a separate breast site (nodal mastopathy) or all breast tissue (diffuse mastopathy) is affected by the disease. Diffuse mastopathy requires special attention, since it is characterized by the appearance of a large number of formations in a short time. Diffuse mastopathy is usually divided into fibrous mastopathy and fibrocystic cystic fibrosis. It is on the methods of treating these types of diffuse mastopathy with folk remedies that we will stop in detail:

  1. Treatment of diffuse fibrotic mastopathy with folk remedies. Fibrous mastopathy is characterized by an extensive proliferation of connective tissue. Therefore, folk remedies for the treatment of fibrous mastopathy, in the first place, are aimed at slowing the appearance of seals in the mammary gland. For treatment, infusion of yarrow, chamomile, nettle and string are used. Herbs should be mixed in equal amounts and make them infusion (for 1 part of the herbs 4 parts of boiling water). Infusion of these herbs should be taken daily inward, and also used as compresses for the breast.
  2. Folk treatment of diffuse fibrocystic mastopathy. Fibrous-cystic mastopathy differs from fibrotic in that the growth of connective tissue of the breast is accompanied by the formation of cysts filled with fluid. The action of folk remedies against fibrocystic mastopathy is aimed at reducing pain and preventing the appearance and development of tumors.

Folk recipes from mastopathy:

Treatment of mastopathy with folk methods should be comprehensive. Since no folk remedy can get rid of the disease, if a woman does not lead a healthy lifestyle. Proper nutrition, good rest and rejection of bad habits is an integral part of all folk ways of treating mastopathy.

When treating folk remedies of any form of mastopathy - cystic, fibrous, diffuse, it is not recommended to get involved in sunburn. This rule applies to both a natural sun tan and a tan through a tanning bed. Ultraviolet rays extremely adversely affect damaged breast tissue and slow the recovery.

Treatment of any signs of mastopathy with folk remedies can be combined with the methods of traditional medicine. Folk recipes for the treatment of mastopathy can not harm a woman, because they are based only on natural and environmentally friendly components.