Cardiotocography of the fetus

Cardiotocography of the fetus (KGT) is one of the main methods for assessing the child's cardiac activity, its activity, and the frequency of contractions of the woman's uterus. The examination allows you to get the most complete picture of the condition of the child during pregnancy and during childbirth. Cardiotocography of the fetus as a method of diagnosis began its development in the 80-90s of the last century and today is the most common and effective way of studying the cardiac activity of the child in the third trimester of pregnancy and during delivery.

Initially, the principle of the device for measuring fetal heart rate was based on acoustic study. But practice has shown that this method gives insufficiently accurate data, therefore the cardiotocography of the fetus is performed today according to the Doppler principle of ultrasound examination. Therefore, it is sometimes called doppler ultrasound in pregnancy .

Features of cardiotocography of the fetus

As a rule, the method is used already from the 26th week of pregnancy, but the most complete picture can be obtained only from the 32nd week. Every woman who gives birth is aware of how the FGD is performed. In the third trimester, 2 tests are assigned to pregnant women, and in case of any deviations or inaccurate results, the fetal KGT will have to be performed several times.

Cardiotocography of the fetus is an absolutely safe and painless examination. A special sensor is attached to the pregnant woman's stomach, which sends pulses to the electronic device. As a result, a graph is obtained in the form of a curve of the line along which the doctor determines the condition of the fetus.

Analysis of the variability of the heart rate allows you to determine the development of the cardiovascular system and the presence of any pathologies. Normally, it is the variable, rather than monotonous, palpitation of the fetus. But during the survey, it is necessary to take into account some features of the child's activity. So, for example, the active state of the baby, as a rule, lasts up to 50 minutes, and the phase of sleep takes 15 to 40 minutes. That's why the procedure takes at least an hour, which allows you to identify the period of activity and get more accurate results.

Objectives of cardiotocography of the fetus

Cardiotocography of the fetus allows you to determine the heart rate of the fetus and the frequency of contractions of the uterus. According to the survey, deviations in the development of the child are detected, and decisions are made on the possible treatment. In addition, the results of KGT determine the optimal time and type of delivery.