Electric massagers for the body

In this age of sedentary work, almost every second person experiences the negative consequences of a sedentary lifestyle: pain in the lower back and neck, infringement of the sciatic nerve, a feeling of tension in the shoulders, as well as a rapid accumulation of excess weight and the formation of cellulite . In most cases, a massage course helps to solve all these problems. But not always the mode of massage parlor work coincides with our opportunity to visit it. That's why we decided to devote our current review to electric massagers for the body.

Vibrating body massager

The fact that vibration can have both positive and negative effects on the human body has been noticed for a long time. In the 19th century, the first sessions of vibrating massage were held, for which the work of hands and feet was used. Today on sale you can find a huge number of the most diverse electric vibrating massagers for the body, the principle of which is to act on the nerve endings of the skin with fluctuations of different frequency and intensity. Most vibrating massagers are equipped with several nozzles of different size and shape, designed to handle different parts of the body. Rubber nozzles are used for light surface treatment, and for plastic, for deeper penetration.

Infrared electric hand massager for body

Working on the basis of infrared radiation, hand-held electric body massagers allow at home to solve most of not only aesthetic, but also medical problems with health. Due to the ability of infrared radiation to penetrate deep layers (up to 5 cm) of tissues of the human body, such massagers stimulate blood flow and outflow of lymph, relieve swelling and gently warm up the muscles, providing analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to the undoubted therapeutic effect and simplicity in independent use, the use of infrared massagers is indicated in osteochondrosis, diabetes, inflammatory processes in the joints, obesity, vegetovascular dystonia and many other ailments. They are also successfully fighting with cellulite, which so upset the beautiful half of humanity. In addition, on sale you can find and devices that combine a vibrating and infrared massage.