Why have bad dreams?

Practically every person in a dream sees different pictures, they can be both positive and negative. Nightmares can affect not only sleep, but also imprint on health. Bad dreams are different, some dream that they were late for an important meeting or just found themselves in a crowded place without clothes, but there are other more cruel dreams, for example, your death. Often at the time of the most terrible episode a person involuntarily wakes up, while negative thoughts and feelings remain.

Possible reasons

In order to find out why it is necessary to understand bad dreams, what can contribute to this:

  1. Anxiety and stress . When you are in a tense state all day, you are experiencing serious psychological stress , this leads to the fact that at night consciousness too experiences negative moments.
  2. Spicy food . Scientists have long proven that eating, which is present in the diet, affects well-being, both in moments of wakefulness and in sleep. Experiments have shown that spicy food, used just before bedtime, leads to increased metabolism and constant brain activity, which can be the cause of nightmares.
  3. Alcohol . A small amount of alcohol provokes drowsiness, although this effect is rather short-lived and subsequently causes premature awakening.
  4. Medicines . There are drugs that have a side effect and cause sleep disturbance. These include antidepressants, barbiturates and some narcotic substances.
  5. Diseases . Diseases that lead to an increase in temperature often cause bad dreams.

Why dreams, and is it good or bad?

Psychology considers dreams as a manifestation of the physiological and psychological factors of the organism. At night, the brain actively works, fixing the information received, normalizing the psychological state and restoring strength. In psychology, the reasons why bad dreams are dreamed are explained by the fact that the body, thus, adapts to the physical and other stresses that it experiences during wakefulness. In a dream, consciousness tries to survive the feelings that a person experienced during the day, the brain sorts through events and thoughts, showing a general picture.

Why do you always have bad dreams?

Seeing bad dreams every day, a person does not have the opportunity to fully relax, and this can seriously harm the body. Therefore, if this is repeated often, we need to look for the causes and try to eliminate them. If you can not figure out why you have bad dreams every night, you can not turn to a specialist.