Why the Indians never had their hair cut: the terrible truth about hair

The American military for years hid from the public that with the help of long hair can become almost invulnerable.

Traditions and cultures of ancient peoples often have such a profound meaning that no stranger can succeed in discovering and understanding him at first sight. American Sally, for example, encountered in the 1990s with a strange discovery, only decades later she was able to assess and tell other people that the Indians always hid from strangers.

How did a simple American woman know about the great Indian mystery?

At the end of the last century, Sally married a licensed psychologist who worked in the elite military hospital VA Medical, which treated the top military officials affected during the fighting in Vietnam. Once she witnessed the cardinal changes in her husband's behavior:

"I remember well that evening when my husband returned home from work with a large and thick folder in his hands. It contained hundreds of pages of research results commissioned by the government. He was shocked by what he was reading. In the end this completely changed our life! My husband, who was a conservative all his life, grew his hair and beard. And never again went to the hairdresser! Moreover, the VA Medical Center staff, where he worked, followed suit. And these are very, very conservative people. When I myself read these documents, I understood why. "

What secrets did Indians hide from strangers?

Sally, a simple housewife, it took a while to understand the depth of Indian wisdom. Like most people, she had heard before that many nationalities in ancient times paid great attention to hair care, and especially - to maintain their length. Gauls and Celts believed that the hair - a symbol of independence and freedom, and the Chinese believed that their haircut is equated with castration. Japanese samurai and did have to do hara-kiri, if someone forcibly shaved their hair.

But representatives of other nations were bypassed by Indians. The secret archives left after the war in Vietnam began with a detailed account of the beliefs of this people, who were anxiously guarding their ... hairstyles. The documents say that the Indians consider them a direct continuation of the nervous system, so they allowed themselves to cut them only on the first birthday of the child.

During the Vietnam War, Americans experienced a shortage of talented and hardy scouts until one of the senior military officials decided to look for them among the Indians. Those had outstanding abilities to track down the enemy and imperceptible movement through the desert terrain. In addition, the Indians are genetically resistant to infectious diseases and rapid fatigue - just an ideal weapon.

The Americans staged a real casting, creating a commission of experts who chose the very best of the potential soldiers. The elders of the tribe did not have the opportunity to refuse the offer of the occupiers of their lands - and they allowed to pick up the most talented and strong men of their tribe.

The course of training they all went brilliantly, so the Americans found them ready for service. Before entering it, every Indian was shaved ... and right after this procedure all the recruits to one lost their amazing abilities. The US government could not believe in the failure of the operation, because before their eyes, future soldiers demonstrated exceptional talents, and now they could not even hide from the enemy. The country's leadership did not spare thousands of dollars to find the cause of this phenomenon - and it was discovered!

Evidence that short hair is the cause of loneliness and failure

Doctors quickly discovered the real reason for the sharp disappearance of the scout's talent from every learned Indian. The data presented by them showed that it should be considered a military haircut: the recruits shaved their heads before enlisting in the service. Their ability to lose Indians, along with long, shiny hair, behind which the tribe looked after both men and women. They themselves did not deny that they lost the feeling of intuition right after the visit to the hairdresser.

Scientists have confirmed the guesses of scientists: access to extrasensory information from Indians was blocked by a sheared haircut. Those who were trained with the mark "excellent", in the future could not even get "satisfactory". The hypothesis was later tested on Europeans and Americans. The usual experience has proved that a sleeping person with long hair always wakes up long before the stranger approaches, which can not be said of those who serenely slept with short hair and did not hear the stranger. Americans, convinced of the correctness of scientists, preferred that no one knew about the sensational discovery.

Hair can really be considered a continuation of the human nervous system. Nature gave them to him, so that he had his "antennas" for receiving a huge amount of information from the environment and translating it into the brain stem. Therefore, deciding to make a short haircut, a person in full sense loses a strong connection with the outside world.