Bitter pepper is good or bad?

Bitter pepper periodically becomes the object of attacks by the Guardians for a healthy diet, it is declared almost a panacea for all diseases. The truth, as you know, is somewhere in the middle.

On our tables he appeared thanks to the Spanish and Portuguese conquistadors, who brought him to Europe from his colonies in America. Since then, it has become an integral part of many dishes and is part of hundreds of recipes. However, it is worthwhile to figure out what is more in bitter pepper, good or harm.

Why is it sharp?

The main ingredient that makes pepper bitter is alkaloid capsaicin. It is he who gives pepper sharpness and burning. In the fruits of bitter pepper, its content can reach up to 2% of the mass of dry matter, while in sweet pepper it is practically nonexistent.

Its sharpness and burning have found their application not only in cooking, but also in medicine: today there are a lot of medicines, which include bitter pepper, the use of which in warming ointments and rubbers used for rheumatism, osteochondrosis , bruises, dislocations and other types of injuries and diseases, is obvious.

The benefit depends on the composition

Indeed, the degree of its usefulness depends on what elements are included in the composition of a particular product.

  1. In addition to the already named capsaicin, pepper contains carotenoids, which actively help to strengthen immunity, reduce the risk of cancer.
  2. Red pepper brings tangible benefits to the body, as it contains vitamin C , which is even more than in lemon.
  3. The complex of vitamins B, PP, vitamins A and E promotes vision improvement, strengthening of musculoskeletal tissues, and also has a beneficial effect on the activity of the heart.

Sometimes there are disputes: green bitter pepper: is its benefit comparable with red? As the studies have shown, it is in its composition and useful properties completely consistent with the red. The only difference is that it is not as sharp as it is immature, which means that it has a sparing effect on the body.

It is established that this vegetable can have different effects on the male and female organism. So, bitter pepper, the benefit and harm of which for men depends on the amount of consumed product, perfectly increases the potency, but with excessive use it can cause gastric ulcers and lead to gastritis.

Why not eat a lot of bitter pepper?

The reasons for this are more than enough:

  1. At once we will note: irrespective of a state of health, consumption of bitter pepper should be moderate.
  2. It is contraindicated to allergic patients with individual intolerance to the product.
  3. In diseases of the cardiovascular system, a limited number is allowed with caution.
  4. It is worth to abandon the hot pepper, especially in fresh form, suffering from gastrointestinal diseases.

A unique product is red pepper, the benefit and harm of using it depends only on you.