Plum "Manchu Beauty"

Plum "Manchurian Beauty" is a variety that appeared by selecting seedlings of Chinese plum plum. It is appreciated among gardeners for its taste qualities.

Plum "Manchurian Beauty" - description

The tree has a very low growth and refers to dwarfish. The crown is rounded, the trunk is slightly expressed, the cortex is brown and flaky, the shoots have a curved appearance. Leaves are dark green, glossy, ellipses.

Fruits are roundish, yellow-orange in color, burgundy, their mass is 15 g. Flesh is yellow-green, dense and juicy. The stone has an oval shape, it can be easily separated from the pulp.

Plum "Manchurian Beauty" - planting and care

The best time for planting plums of this species is considered to be April, until the moment of bud budding. It is necessary to choose the right place for planting a tree. It should be well lit and away from groundwater (at a distance of not less than 1.5-2 m). The soil of the sink prefers loose and fertile soil. On acidic soils, it does not take root.

Before planting a hole is prepared in advance with a diameter of 70 cm and a depth of 50 cm. It is left empty for 2 weeks. When the seedling is placed in a pit, its roots are carefully straightened, and the root collar is left for 4-5 cm protruding above the ground. The pit is covered with soil mixed with humus, sand, gravel, superphosphate, chloride kalim, ammonium nitrate. Then the seedling is watered with 4 buckets of standing water, the stock circle is mulched with humus, peat or dry soil.

Care for the plum is a regular feeding, shaping and pruning the crown, timely irrigation.

"Manchurian beauty" can be affected by such a disease as moniliosis. At the same time, its branches shrink, and the fruits begin to rot. Prevention of the disease will be carrying out thinning pruning, collection of fallen leaves and rotted fruits. If monilioz all the same will develop, it should be sprayed with a solution of Bordeaux liquid (3 times in dry weather and 5-6 times in rainy).

Plum "Manchurian Beauty" - pollinator

The plum sort "Manchurian beauty" refers to the self-fruit plum. She needs other varieties as a pollinator, the best of which is the plum "Ussuriyskaya".

Fruiting begins after 3 years from the moment of planting an annual seedling. From one tree you can harvest up to 8 kg.

Having planted this sort of plum in your garden, you can enjoy the taste of its sweet and juicy fruits for many years.