What foods contain phosphorus?

Useful properties of phosphorus for the human body were discovered only in the XIX century. Before that, phosphorus (translated from Greek - "light carrier") was used only for lighting. Today, almost no one knows that phosphorus and calcium are needed for strong teeth and bones. However, our body does not produce phosphorus, and therefore, with particular care should be found products rich in phosphorus.

First of all, phosphorus can be found in meat and dairy foods. One gram of animal protein contains about 15 mg of phosphorus. However, the main place in the list, in which products contains phosphorus, should, nevertheless, occupy fish . It is the inhabitants of countries where they mainly eat fish and are prone to phosphorus overdose.

The content of phosphorus in meat products is the highest in beef and poultry, also known for a large amount of phosphorus and eggs.

Among the functions of phosphorus is not only bone tissue, but also participation in the synthesis of ATP, DNA and RNA, as well as in maintaining the tone of the heart muscle and activating the neural conductivity of the kidneys.

Phosphorus is also present in plant foods. In what, in what, and in the maintenance of phosphorus bean you will not refuse. Famous carriers of phosphorus are dried fruits , nuts and cereals. But due to the fact that from plant products it is digested much worse than from meat, vegetarians are frequent victims of a shortage of phosphorus.

If you do not lack calcium, then, most likely, the level of phosphorus is also normal. The calcium-phosphorus ratio should be 2: 1. The daily dose of phosphorus:

If you have kidney problems, then you must strictly control the consumption of phosphorus-containing foods, as their excess flushes calcium and depresses the action of vitamin D, which is too much for kidneys.