Fluuomycin during pregnancy

An antiseptic, like Fluomizin, is often prescribed during pregnancy to combat exacerbated sexual infections. After all, often with the onset of gestation, a change in the hormonal background, the environment of the vagina, there is an exacerbation of existing hidden infections, an increase in opportunistic microorganisms leading to the development of the disease. Consider the drug in more detail, tell you about the features and correctness of its use during pregnancy.

What is Fluomizine?

The active substance of the drug, devalic chloride, mainly affects pathogenic microorganisms, causing their death, preventing the process of reproduction. The drug is only available in the form of vaginal tablets.

The most effective drug appears during the treatment:

Due to a wide range of actions, the drug is often prescribed to women at a later date, in order to sanitize the genital tract before childbirth.

How is Fluomizine administered during pregnancy?

It should be noted that all appointments during the gestation period are performed exclusively by the doctor. A woman must strictly follow them, follow the instructions given.

According to the instructions for use, fluomizin during pregnancy and during the lactation period can be used. The scheme of application of the medicine is established individually, taking into account the stage of the disease, its type, the severity of the symptoms. The course of treatment with the drug is 6 days. However, the symptoms begin to disappear after only 2-3 days. But the course can not be interrupted. Most often, fluomizine during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimester is prescribed by 1 tablet, which is injected into the vagina at night. Preliminary it is necessary to hold a toilet of external genitals.

What should I consider when treating Fluomizin?

It is worth noting that in the early term doctors are trying not to prescribe the drug. That is why, in the first trimester of pregnancy, Fluuomycin is used only in cases of acute necessity, when the benefit to the mother's health exceeds the risk of developing fetal disorders.

During the treatment period, it is not possible to combine the use of Fluomizine with drugs containing surfactants (psychoactive substances). In addition, for the period of therapy it is worth to refrain from sexual intercourse. Doctors recommend to undergo treatment and a sexual partner, which will exclude the possibility of re-infection.