Aqua aerobics: exercises

As you might have guessed from the title, the aqua aerobics exercise set is performed in water. It is a unique kind of training that suits absolutely everyone and is even recommended for elderly people and pregnant women. What options does the aqua aerobics complex provide? The main secret of the effectiveness of such exercises is the resistance of water. Try to raise your hand in the air and in the water, and then compare the sensations, the movement in what environment it was given to you more difficult. But at the same time, water allows you to remove unnecessary strain from the spine and joints, which is why aqua aerobics lessons are recommended to people of advanced age. Also, exercises in water can improve blood circulation and are useful for people with varicose veins.

Aqua aerobics for weight loss: exercises

Can I get rid of excess fat with aqua aerobics? Of course you can! When doing exercises, your muscles get a high enough load due to water resistance, plus the body spends more energy for generating heat, because usually the exercises take place in cool water. Thus, there is a stimulation of burning calories, and you lose weight.

In training, you may need a different inventory: belt, inflatable armlets, floating dumbbells, expanders, etc.

The warm-up is best done not in water, as this will allow to warm up muscles more efficiently and quickly. So, here's the list of the best aerobics exercises:

  1. Run for 15 minutes in water (the water level should be up to your chest). Raise your knees high, your hands move just as you would for a normal run.
  2. Wide legs spread out and rotate the body left and right. This same exercise can be done in a jump
  3. Leaning on the edge of the pool with your back and elbows, raise your straight legs upwards so that they are parallel to the bottom, then lower. Do the exercise at the expense of the muscles of the press, and not at the cost of swing.
  4. Also, leaning on the edge, lift your legs and cross the legs ("scissors") for a few minutes.
  5. When the water reaches your waistline, perform classic attacks with your legs, thereby working the muscles of the thighs and buttocks.
  6. Take in the hands of non-moving objects (pieces of foam plastic, for example), lead your hands down, overcoming resistance and trying to drown them. The back must be straight. This exercise gives a load to the muscles of the chest and hands.
  7. For the muscles of the chest, this exercise is also suitable: keep your hands straight parallel to the bottom, quickly reduce, without bending them, in front of you and slowly dilute again in the sides.
  8. To strengthen the press, go deeper (the level of water to the shoulders), extend your hands in front of you. Both legs quickly bend and pull to the stomach, straining the muscles of the press, then slowly return to the starting position and put your feet on the bottom.

Where to practice aqua aerobics?

Places where to do aqua aerobics, as a rule, quite a lot in the city, so this type of fitness is rapidly gaining popularity. Almost all urban swimming pools offer a program for aqua aerobics, most sports clubs are also equipped with everything necessary for training. Unfortunately, it is impossible to perform such a complex at home. Few can boast of having a pool at home. However, there is no doubt that you will be able to find a convenient location for training.

All you need to start your classes is having a comfortable swimsuit, in which you can comfortably carry out various movements and a rubber cap. As a rule, in order to purchase a subscription to the pool, you must provide a health certificate. This requirement guarantees the safety of training.