Than red pepper is useful?

To answer the question of how useful the red pepper is, you can, having studied the composition of the "false berries". Useful properties of red pepper are due to a significant amount of vitamins and minerals.

  1. It contains many B vitamins (B1, B12, B3), which stimulates cellular metabolism and improves the work of the central nervous system.
  2. Abundant vitamin E in pepper, actively participates in the synthesis of hormones, protects cellular structures from destruction, supports immunity.
  3. And the daily norm of vitamin C (necessary for the existence of connective and bone tissues in the human body) is contained in only 100 g of pepper - it is much more than in lemon and even in black currant, which are traditionally considered the main donors of this vitamin.
  4. In addition, due to the presence of vitamin P (rutin) in the pepper, the circulatory system of the body is strengthened, the walls of the capillaries become more elastic.

What else is useful for red bell pepper?

  1. It turns out that the caloric value of the "false berry" is very low (about 30 kcal per hundred grams). Naturally, Bulgarian pepper is used in many diets to reduce weight, although it has the property to stimulate appetite .
  2. The high content of minerals in pepper makes it an ideal supplier of calcium and iron for pregnant women, as well as anemic patients with insomnia and osteoporosis.
  3. The content of beta-carotene, which is especially useful red Bulgarian sweet pepper, helps to maintain and even restore vision.
  4. In cosmetology, Bulgarian pepper is used as a component of creams with lifting effect, whitening facial masks (it perfectly removes pigment spots!), Strengthening and stimulating balms for hair.


In general, harmless, red Bulgarian pepper is not recommended for people suffering from heart disease (at the stage of exacerbation), hypertensive patients suffering from peptic ulcer.