Purification of vessels by folk remedies

The deposition on the inner walls of the vessels of cholesterol plaques , calcium and other products of the body's vital activity leads to the fact that the lumen becomes narrow. Accordingly, in organs and tissues there is oxygen starvation, and there is a lack of supply of useful substances. For many millennia, many ways of purifying blood vessels with folk remedies have been developed. Some of them require considerable time.

The proposed recipes for cleaning vessels with folk remedies contain available ingredients, and the preparation of the following medicines requires a minimum of time, which is especially important for residents of modern cities with their busy schedule of the day.

Purification and strengthening of vessels by folk remedies

Nature has given us products that have a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system. Among the natural remedies that lower the level of cholesterol in the blood:

Purification of cerebral vessels by folk remedies

Among the most popular folk remedies for cleaning the vessels of the head is a mixture of honey, garlic and lemon.

It will take:


Garlic clean, cut the lemons, without removing the peel. Grind the ingredients in a blender and place in a 3-liter jar. Add honey, add clean water, mix everything thoroughly and close the lid. Place the jar of syrup in a dark place and let it brew for 10 days. The finished product is filtered, overflowing into a hermetically sealed vessel. Keep the elixir in the refrigerator.

The agent for cleaning the blood vessels is recommended to be taken in the morning, on an empty stomach. To do this, a tablespoon of syrup is bred in a glass of moderately warm boiled water. The duration of the course is not less than a month.

Cleaning herbs with herbs

To cleanse blood vessels, folk remedies based on wild plants are also used. Among the effective folk remedies for vascular purification is tincture of clover flowers.

It will take:


Place the raw material in a 1-liter glass jar. Pour the flowers with vodka. Clogged with a lid, put in a dark place and insist for 3 weeks, periodically shaking. Press the infusion, drain.

Take daily 25-30 drops of the drug before eating, dissolving ½ cup of water at room temperature.

You can prepare and water infusion of red clover, taking it as a phyto tea. To do this, brew 2 tablespoons of raw materials in a glass of boiling water. The course of purification is a month.

Excellent phytocept for cleaning and strengthening blood vessels - plant collection.



The proportions of the components are as follows: 2/3 of the composition, the crushed berries of dogrose, 1/3 - the remaining components, taken in equal quantities.

The prepared ingredients are laid out in a jar and filled with vodka. Infused for 2 weeks, then tincture filtered and take 20 drops every morning.

Regularly taking the given folk remedies, you contribute to the purification of all vessels: from the brain to the feet, thereby strengthening health and prolonging the time of activity.