What is the name of the holiday on May 1?

Everyone knows that May 1 is a day off, and what exactly is celebrated on this day, many of us do not think. The Soviet past reminds us of peace and work, but the name of the May Day is not known to everyone today.

history of the holiday

Today, May 1 is the holiday of spring and labor. For many, labor in the beginning of May is associated with a garden and a shovel, but in fact the holiday's history is not at all connected with the work activity that is usual for us. In the XIX century, the working day lasted 15 hours. Such workdays caused protests in Australia on March 21, 1856. Following the example of Australia in 1886 anarchists organized demonstrations demanding an 8-hour working day in the US and Canada. The authorities did not want to make concessions, so on May 4, police attempted to disperse the demonstration in Chicago, resulting in the death of six demonstrators. But the protest did not stop there, on the contrary, its participants were indignant at the impunity of the police, which clearly exceeds its authority. As a result, clashes began between protesters and government officials, which resulted in new victims. During the clashes, a bomb was blown up, dozens of participants in the confrontation were injured, at least 8 police officers and 4 workers were killed. On charges of organizing an explosion, five workers from the anarchist movement were sentenced to execution, three more were to spend 15 years in penal servitude.

In July 1889, the Paris Congress of the Second International was held, at which it was decided to support the movement of workers of the United States and Canada, and also express their indignation at the death penalty and the unjustified use of force against the demonstrators. After successful demonstrations demanding to introduce an 8-hour working day and carry out other social reforms, May 1 became a holiday, reminiscent of the achievements of workers in the hard struggle for their rights.

Traditions May 1

At the beginning of the 20th century, May Day gathered demonstrations of workers and was primarily a day of protests and political slogans. During the Soviet era, demonstrations were preserved, but the holiday became official, and its slogans changed, at that time people praised labor and the state. Today, almost nothing reminds of what day May 1 was earlier, the holiday lost its political color. Now this is a bright celebration, which often takes place in the circle of friends and family, in nature or at the dacha.

The modern holiday of spring and labor is celebrated in 142 countries, sometimes it is celebrated on the first Monday of May. Several states still retain the tradition to organize demonstrations with political and sharp social slogans, but for most people this holiday is now associated only with folk festivals, peaceful processions, fairs.

It is interesting that in the United States the holiday of labor is celebrated on another day, although events in this country became the reason for its foundation. Japan also has its own date for events in honor of labor, and more than 80 countries do not have such a holiday in their calendar.

May Day also has a pagan history. In Western Europe, this day marked the beginning of the spring sowing and tried to appease the god of the sun, giving him symbolic sacrifices. In pre-revolutionary Russia on May 1, celebrated the feast of early summer. People believed that on this day the sun god Jarilo walks at night in white robes in fields and forests.

Today, May 1 is the international day of spring and labor, a holiday with a rich history. Of course, with time the traditions of this day have changed, now it is a bright and cheerful holiday, there is nothing like the confrontations and struggle of workers for their rights.