Diet with gastritis with high acidity

Because of the disruption of the functions of the secretory activity of the stomach, there are inflammations of mucous membranes or simple words of gastritis with high acidity. Such a disease needs constant observance of the rules, so as not to cause complications. Diet with gastritis with high acidity is an important component of treatment, without which it is impossible to achieve good results. Proper nutrition can help reduce the risk of exacerbations and normalize the condition in case of illness. It is important to know about the permitted products and adhere to the main recommendations.

What should be the diet for gastritis with high acidity?

Thanks to a properly selected menu, inflammation decreases, ulcers heal faster, the stomach functions are normalized. The diet is considered high-grade on albuminous, fat and carbohydrate balance. Diet with chronic gastritis with high acidity is based on the fact that the total caloric value should not be less than 2.8 thousand and not more than 3 thousand kcal.

Daily need to eat 5 times. From the menu you need to remove foods containing secretion pathogens and mucosal irritants. It is forbidden to eat food that is difficult to digest.

Allowed products of a diet with gastritis of the stomach with high acidity:

  1. Flour products. It is important that they were yesterday, well, or at least dried. Allowed a dry biscuit and cookies. Maximum two times a week you can eat buns.
  2. The first dishes should be prepared from mashed vegetables on a broth of carrots or potatoes. You can eat milk soups, but only if the cereals are well-boiled. It is important that the vegetables are wiped, and the meat is well-cooked. If flour is used, it must be dried beforehand. It is allowed to fill the first dishes with butter, a mixture of eggs and milk, and also cream.
  3. Meat should be low-fat and without skin. It is recommended to give preference to beef, young lamb, rabbit, turkey, chicken. Meat dishes should be boiled or steamed.
  4. Fish should be necessarily low-fat and without skin. You need to cook it for a couple, or boil it.
  5. The main dairy products are milk and cream. In addition, you can have non-acid kefir, yogurt and cottage cheese. Dishes of cottage cheese should be baked.
  6. A maximum of three eggs are allowed per day, and they should be cooked soft-boiled or a steam omelet can be made.
  7. From cereals it is best to give preference to manna, rice, buckwheat and oat. Porridge should be cooked on milk or water. It is best to wipe them. You can also eat vermicelli and pasta.
  8. From vegetables potatoes, carrots, beets, cauliflower, young pumpkin and zucchini are allowed. It is necessary to limit the amount of peas and dill. Vegetables should be steamed or boiled and wiped.
  9. Fruits and berries should be necessarily sweet in a grated, boiled and baked form.
  10. From drinks you can compotes, juice, loose tea and weak coffee.

Example menu for a diet with exacerbation of gastritis with high acidity

The daily diet is worth considering depending on the allowed and prohibited products, and also on your own preferences.

Breakfast : souffle of cottage cheese, a portion of buckwheat wiped porridge with milk and tea with lemon.

Snack : boiled egg boiled.

Lunch : soup, mashed potatoes, with carrot puree and compote.

Dinner : steamed bits of fish, with béchamel sauce and vermicelli, and also tea.

Before going to sleep : 1 tbsp. milk or cream.

Diet with acute gastritis with high acidity implies food in small portions. It is forbidden to eat hot and cold dishes, the temperature should be comfortable.