Pumpkin seeds - calorie content

Pumpkin seeds are not as popular as sunflower seeds, but much more useful. In these seeds lies a huge amount of useful substances, micro- and macro elements. However, those who are on a diet should not forget about the caloric content of pumpkin seeds, which, for all its usefulness, makes it not very suitable for weight loss.

Caloric content of raw pumpkin seeds

In a crude, more precisely, dried form, pumpkin seeds have a lower calorie content than after frying. On 100 g of product there are 556 kcal, of which 24.5 g of protein, 45.8 g of fat and 4.7 g of carbohydrates. It is worth considering that this energy value equals about half of the ideal diet of a slimming girl! Therefore, if you add this product to your meals, then in extremely limited quantities.

Caloric content of fried pumpkin seeds

Peeled pumpkin seeds, past frying, calorie content are higher than those that did not pass heat treatment. 100 g of the product is 600 kcal, of which 28 g of protein, 46.7 g of fat and 15.7 g of carbohydrates. For an organism this is a rather heavy product.

In addition, during cooking many useful substances are destroyed, and if you include pumpkin seeds in nutrition for the sake of amino acids and healthy fats, it is better to use them in kind.

Benefits and caloric content of pumpkin seeds

Despite the high energy value, some nutritionists still recommend including pumpkin seeds in light vegetable salads and fruit smoothies. This allows you to enrich the body with essential amino acids and fiber, niacin and folic acid. In addition, in pumpkin magnesium , phosphorus, manganese, zinc, selenium, seeds have a lot of iron, copper, calcium and potassium.

It is believed that the regular inclusion in the diet of a small number of pumpkin seeds contributes to the victory over many diseases. As a result, the arteries and the whole circulatory system are strengthened, the hormonal background is leveled (especially in men), the diseases of the genitourinary system are alleviated and even cured. In addition, the abundance of nutrients gives a powerful recharge to the whole body, thus achieving a general strengthening effect. And in China, pumpkin seeds are considered an effective remedy for depression, spleen and malaise.

To make this product useful for the body without harming the figure, it is important to include it in the diet little by little - no more than one tablespoon of grains per day.