What is the purpose of Proginova?

Not all women, for various reasons, can conceive and bear a healthy child without medical assistance. In most cases, the fault of the problems associated with conception and the birth of a baby are various kinds of hormonal disorders . That is why with the purpose of adjusting the hormonal background of the female body, special preparations are prescribed. Let's take a closer look at a hormonal drug, like Proginova, and tell him why he is prescribed and drunk.

What is Proginova?

This drug, as mentioned above, is a representative of hormonal drugs. It is based on estradiol valerate, which is essentially nothing more than a synthetic analogue of the hormone estrogen. It is this biological substance that is responsible for the normal development of pregnancy.

Proginova helps improve blood circulation in the placenta, which prevents the development of such complications of pregnancy, as spontaneous abortion or detachment of the placenta at a later date.

The effect of the drug in no way hinders the process of ovulation. That is why there is no reduction in the concentration of hormones that are produced directly by the female body itself.

In what cases is the drug prescribed?

Quite often, women who are prescribed Progninov during pregnancy, are interested in: for what purpose this medicine can be applied at all. Use of the drug with an already ongoing gestation process can be due to the prevention of complications. So, quite often Proginova is attributed to those future mothers who have a high risk of abortion or have a history of spontaneous abortions (miscarriages).

If we talk about why Proginova is prescribed for IVF or before this procedure, then in such cases the doctors, as a rule, pursue one goal - increasing the thickness of the uterine endometrium. After all, this parameter plays not the last role in the onset of pregnancy. Often it happens that everything ends only in fertilization, i.e. The egg can not normally fix itself in the endometrium. In such cases, a miscarriage occurs on a very short time.

It should also be noted that Proginova in IVF also helps to eliminate fluctuations in the level of estrogen, which can occur under the influence of external factors (stress, exacerbation of chronic diseases, viral infections, etc.).

What is the difference between Proginova and Cyclo-proginova?

With almost identical names, this is absolutely 2 different drugs that have different indications for use.

Cyclobulin prophylaxis is prescribed for hormone replacement therapy for the treatment of symptoms that result from natural or surgically induced menopause (absence of menstrual discharge, as a result of earlier operations on the reproductive organs).

It should also be noted that Cyclo-proginova is a two-component preparation. In the medicine box you can find white and brown dragees, which are taken in a certain pattern. As a rule, women who have been discharged by Cyclo-proginova know why they prescribed this medicine (with the goal of normalizing menstruation). This drug can be used only at the stage of pregnancy planning. When pregnancy comes, it is immediately canceled.

Thus, in order not to torment yourself with guesses, every woman who is prescribed Proginova tablets should not seek information on what this medication is used for, but just ask the doctor about it.